Chapter 13: "boss"

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was a stare at my back. I was facing the wall and I knew Jeff was right behind me. Does he ever sleep? Was he observing me the whole time? I didn't see him, but I just knew he was watching. Didn't surprise me. At this point I was getting used to it.

The room had a warm vibe to it as it was dawn. Still pretty early. Yet, I didn't feel sleepy anymore. Everything that's been happening had fallen upon my mind, making me think a lot. Somehow though, I felt so calm. As if my emotions have had enough and blocked everything. It felt empty. Maybe I just couldn't take in the fact that my best friend was dead. Or that my life will never be the same. It will never be normal.

I debated whether to turn around and face the man that took my life away. I didn't want to, but eventually, I had to. So I did. He laid calmly and as I predicted was watching me. When I turned around and looked him in the eyes he didn't even flinch. Just kept on staring with no shame. His face was blank. Well, as blank as it could be with that permanent smile across it. That can honestly be pretty confusing sometimes.

We laid and stared at each other like that for a while. Both emotionless. The sun kept rising, making the room slightly brighter each minute. Apart from that it felt like time had stopped.

The fact that this guy pretty much ruined my life and took everything away from me didn't seem real. It was too much to take in. At that moment I didn't even feel angry at him. Just... confused.

Jeff's unblinking eyes stared at my soul. It amazed me. Was he even human? Were there more like him? And if so, who are they?

I analyzed every feature of his face. Finally, my eyes stopped at the carved smile. It was leaving a scar. Unlike the fresh cuts on his victims. Did this guy watch too many batman movies or something?

"Did it hurt?" I asked.

"Huh?" He reacted almost as if he'd awoken from a trance.

"Your smile. Did it hurt when you cut it?"

My question put a slight grin on his face. "I don't remember."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How can you not remember?"

"I was too excited at the moment. Pain wasn't what I focused on. I don't recall feeling it." He smirked at me. "Are you interested?"

"No sane person would ever be interested in something as stupid as that." I frowned.

"Unless they had no choice." His eyes turned dark for a second. I instantly sat up and looked at him with disgust. In response he started laughing and got up. I watched him walk out of the messy room. A pile of clothes still laying there, untouched. Several pieces stained with blood. Jeff never seemed to clean his room. I could see a thick layer of dust flying around in the sun rays.

Eventually, I got up as well and made my way to the living room where Jeff sat on the couch with his laptop. He was typing something, probably talking to someone. As I walked closer I could feel anger radiating off of him.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

Due to my question being ignored I sat next to him and asked again a little more aggressively. "Hey, what's up?"

Jeff put his laptop to the side, laid back and put his hands over his face, rubbing it in frustration. He then turned to me. "This guy, who thinks he's my boss wants to see me. And you too."

I frowned. "You have a boss? You work for someone?"

"According to him. I don't give a fuck what he tells me. The thing is that he has a lot of power under his hand." He sighed in between his complains. "If I don't take you to him he'll come to you. Or send someone and when that happens don't expect anything good."

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