Chapter 15: bitch

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(Y/n)'s POV

Jeff was now asleep and I was left standing there with one apple and a growling stomach. Was this guy serious? He keeps telling me how much he cares and that I'm 'different', but then acts like an asshole just like that. I really didn't even care if he was bipolar, having a bad day or whatever other shit. I've had enough of it. I wasn't gonna deal with this behavior anymore. He can hit me, abuse me. Hell, he can even kill me. I don't care. From now on I will not be his little property. And I'll make sure he knows that. Starting tomorrow.

I ate my apple, treasuring every bite and laid down on the bed, as far away from Jeff as I could. For a while I just stared in front of myself, thoughts going trough my mind. Eventually, I drifted off.


That night I had a lot of vivid dreams. About Natalie, my mom, the life I used to have. They were all mostly pleasant. But throughout the whole time I knew I was only dreaming. It wasn't a deep sleep.

I woke up early, according to the dull orange light of a rising sun and a killer, who was still sleeping, his back to me.

Laying there for a while I was caught up in my thoughts again. The bitch inside of me was a bit calmer now, but that didn't last as a pain of an empty stomach started kicking in.

I sat up and looked at Jeff. I needed food right now. And he was gonna get me some. Wether he liked it or not. I sat on my knees next to him ant started shaking his sleeping body.

"Get up! I'm hungry!" I shouted for him to wake up. He growled at that, refusing to even look at me. But after I didn't stop he sat up with an infuriated expression on his face.

"You bitch! Don't you ever dare and wake me up again!" He yelled at me.

"Well, I wouldn't have done that in the first place, if you had given me some normal food!" I didn't back down.

"I gave you food! What else do you want from me? It's not a fucking restaurant! You're like a goddamn princess on a pea. Nothing's ever right for you."

"An apple isn't exactly a great source of energy, Jeff! If you really care for me then care for me before I starve to death! And yes, I'm a 'goddamn' princess on a pea and I won't put up with your bullshit anymore!" I spilled everything.

He stared at me with slight surprise in his unblinking eyes, yet I could tell he wasn't happy with my attitude. He slowly started giving me a warning, stopping between words and trying to stay as calm as he could:

"Don't you ever fucking talk back to me again. Do you not realize the situation you're in? Your life depends on me. If you-" I didn't let him finish:

"Yeah yeah. If I don't obey, you'll punish me or whatever. Well, I don't care what your punishments will be. I'm sick of your constant attitude and mixed feelings towards me. You say that you care, but it really doesn't show. You say that I'm 'different', but you treat me like every other person, like you're annoyed with my existence. So do whatever you want. I'm not gonna be your pawn anymore." I lashed out.

He looked at me for a moment. His stare was now frighteningly blank. I waited for an answer, but instead I was thrown back a little and shortly I felt a heavy weight on my wrists and legs as Jeff was now on top of me, pinning me down to the bed. I struggled to get out, but he didn't even budge.

"The fuck are you doing?! Get off of me, you freak!" I was mad. This guy was getting on my nerves enough as it was. I used to fear him, but that was now replaced with rage.

"Are you seriously that stupid? Have you forgotten who I am? Do you know what I can do to you?" He grinned, fury in his eyes. "Right. I guess you don't since I've been so nice to you. Well, those days are over, sweetheart. You want it the hard way? So be it." His face started leaving closer to mine.

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