Chapter 19: confessions

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"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING??" Jeff yelled, speed walking towards me.

He was visibly mad and I knew exactly how he can be when he is, but seeing him in a place like this gave me relief and a strange feeling of safety. I shouldn't have expected anything nice from him after I just tried to escape, though.

As he got closer he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards himself so that our faces were centimeters away.

"Do you want to get fucking killed?! You really think you can get out of here?" He growled through clenched teeth. I felt his hot breath. Anger radiated from his eyes. "I did fucking everything for you. I took a major risk taking you here. I've never did so much for anyone before and you still try to run away?? Ungrateful fucking bitch." Jeff pulled me harshly along side himself across the hallway.

"J-Jeff I'm... I'm sorry." I struggled.

He only laughed sarcastically. "Your sorry. Your fucking sorry. Yeah, right. Fucking save it."

"I am! Jeff, I don't know why I did that. I didn't mean to..." Maybe these words were created by fear, but a part of me knew that it was foolish and unrealistic of me to try to escape. I did regret it. Not because I made Jeff mad, but mostly because by acting like an idiot I might have gotten myself into even more trouble.

We reached Jeff's room and he threw me in, making me nearly fall to the ground and slammed the door behind him. He was now facing away from me, hunched down, breathing heavily. I only stared at his back, waiting for the worst like I always did when he was in this kind of state.

Suddenly, his breathing slowed down and he straightened his back. He turned around and took out a laptop from a bag that was laying on the floor next to the door. He probably brought some stuff from the apartment in there.

"J-Jeff?" I mumbled, to which I got no response. Completely ignoring me he sat down on the edge of the bed and opened his laptop.

I walked up to him and repeated myself more firmly: "Jeff." No response again. I sat down next to him. "I'm sorry?" It was like I wasn't even in the room. "Come on, Jeff, don't ignore me. What do I have to do get you to answer?"

"How about you stop trying to run away like an ungrateful little idiot?" He said after turning his head towards me.

"I said I'm sorry. I won't run anymore. Okay?"

"Yeah right you won't." He scoffed, looking back at his laptop.

"I won't! Really." I tried arguing.

Jeff only shook his head followed by a little sarcastic laughter. I sighed. He really was upset with me. Disappointed and maybe even... sad? I didn't know he had such a sensitive side.

"W-what are you looking at?" I asked to break the tension.

"None one your goddamn business." He spat, turning his laptop away from me. I frowned.


For a while we just sat there in awkward silence. I sighed loudly a couple of times. The third time I did that Jeff turned aggressively to me:

"What is your problem?"

"N-nothing! Why would I have a problem?" I widened my eyes in his sudden outburst. "I'm just thinking."

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