Chapter 30: inevitable

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I woke up to an unbearable nausea, which made me run as fast as I could to the bathroom. I threw up and to my surprise, all the pills I swallowed like two hours ago came out perfectly intact.

"What the hell..." I whispered to myself.

That's when I heard the front door open. I stood up quickly, little bits of vomit still stuck on my cheek.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I sighed in relief as I heard Mark's voice.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine." I replied.

"You don't sound so good. Can I come in." He asked.


"Gosh, morning sickness at night?" He quickly glanced at the un-flushed vomit. "Are those your pills?"

"Yeah... I don't understand, Mark, I swallowed these like two hours ago. How can they still be in such a perfect condition?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Mark... you need to know something."

"What is it?" He asked.

"This weird guy came to me today at work, well, more like spoke to me in my head and then came." I started.

"What did he look like?"

"It was a black and white clown. LJ?" I continued.

"Jack... what did he want?"

I flushed the puke, cleaned myself up a little and told Mark everything that LJ had told me.

"Shit, (y/n)... that explains the pills." he whispered to himself.

"Is there any way to avoid this?" I asked, hopeful that Mark might know something.

"I'm afraid not. Slender probably had the baby under protection. You won't be able to get rid of it no matter what you do." He answered.

"Shit! Why me?" I cried.

"Calm down. I'll try to think of something. Until then, don't stress yourself out." He said.

"How can I not stress out? This is huge! They want me to become one of them."

Mark looked at me with a concerned stare. Then he sighed and looked down at his feet. "I don't want you to end up like me. I promise to do anything I can to prevent this."

"Thank you." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He gave me a small smile.

For the next two days Mark was barely home. If he was, he'd look exhausted. I tried spending as much time at work as I could. Staying amongst people. That's how those two days quickly came to an end.

The night before LJ was supposed to come get me Mark came in through the door. "(Y/n), I don't think we can do anything to get you out of this." He spoke.

"Nothing at all?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not."

"Mark, their has to be a way?" I frowned.

"Anything that has to do with them is dangerous. The only smart thing to do is to give in at will." He explained.

I sighed.

"(Y/n), that doesn't mean that you have to give in to their brainwashing." Mark added

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"Never let yourself forget who you are."

That night neither of us could sleep. We stayed up, talking quietly or just simply sitting in silence. I felt my stomach turning. The time we waited seemed like forever. Finally, soft rays of sun started peeking through the window. That's when I knew shit was about to go down.

"Miss me, darling?" That same rusty voice spoke out of nowhere. I turned around to look behind me and there he was, a tall black and white clown. I yelped in surprise, even though I knew he was coming.

The clown looked at Mark, standing right next to me. "Mark! What a pleasure. Slenderman is looking everywhere for you!" He laughed. "It's gonna be such a nice surprise for him. Two catches at a time!"

"Get over it LJ, you're waisting everyone's time." Mark spat.

"Ooh, someone's a bit grumpy today. Do not worry, Marky boy, were leaving now." That's when a big black portal appeared in the middle of the living room. LJ turned to me and pointed at it in a gentleman like manner. "Ladies first." He said and flashed me a toothy smile.

I gave him a little frown, but obeyed and walked through the portal. Instantly, I was surrounded by a thick black mist. I got lost, didn't know where I was going. Luckily, I felt someone grab me by my forearm and pull me out. I squeezed my eyes. When I opened them I realized that we were back in the mansion.

I felt my stomach turn as I thought that Jeff is probably somewhere around. Did he already know? And if so, how does he feel about it? The baby.

Suddenly, I felt myself surrounded by all kinds of creatures and beings.

"Welcome back to the creepypasta mansion, (y/n)." A deep soothing voice said.

This one's a bit short, but it's a second chapter today so it's cool x)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed <3

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