Chapter 34: training

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The next morning I was awoken early and told to get ready. The training day had come. I felt my stomach turning. I wasn't ready and I felt like I never would be.

Me and Jeff descended the stairs and made our way to the kitchen.

"Aren't you excited??" Sally asked, smiling ear to ear.

"Mm... not really." I murmured.

"Don't worry, once the deed is done you'll feel much better." She comforted.

"I highly doubt that..." I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.

After looking around for some food I decided to have a bowl of chocolate cereal and some chocolate chip cookies. Hey, I was pregnant, okay?

So we ate and shortly after we got into Jeff's van and drove off somewhere.

"So... where are we going?" I asked.

"I can't tell you just now." Jeff answered.

"You just love to do that." I whined.


"Keeping things secret from me. Not telling me what's going on." I said.

"Eh you're used to that, get over it." He simply replied. I scrunched my nose. Fine, I thought.

And so we drove silently like that for a while until we finally reached a familiar neighborhood. It was a place I used to live in when I was little. Before my mother started dating my stepdad who drank away all our money and therefor we had to move.

"That's the place I used to live in. What are we doing here?" I broke the silence.

"Do you remember a boy named Kyle?"

I nodded.

"Well, we, or you are here to take care of him." Jeff explained.

"You mean kill him?" My eyes widened. Jeff only smiled while still looking at the road.

Kyle was the boy who used to bully me when we were still kids. I never liked him, oh course, but I wouldn't ever think of going as far as killing him. I mean, everyone deserves a second chance, right?

"What if I don't want to kill him?" I stated.

"It's a part of your training. You have to. There are no other choices for you."

And with that being said, we arrived. The van stopped next to a house I knew too well. Kyle's house. We used to be neighbors. That's why his house was so familiar.

Jeff got out of the van and motioned me to get out too. I took a deep breath and did as he ordered.

We approached the front door.

"You will go in on your own." Jeff declared.

"What? What the heck am I supposed to do? And how?"

"Here." He handed me one of his knifes. "Use this. Make sure to hide it well before having to take it out."

I sighed and after Jeff got back to his van I hid the knife in my hoody pocket and hesitantly rang the doorbell. After a couple of moments the door slowly opened. A dirty blonde haired boy stood there. Kyle. He'd changed quite a bit. He was really tall now and I could tell he'd been working out. How the hell was I supposed to beat this fucking mountain down all by myself.

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