Chapter 24: leave

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Jeff's POV

"She's no good." Said Slender in his low, soothing voice.

"What do you mean? I thought I had it under control." I claimed.

This was frustrating. I thought I did everything I could to keep her here.

"That doesn't matter, the girl is a burden. Today was the first time Mark broke. Everything was going as planned until you brought (y/n)." He spoke. Even with no face or any kind of expression I could tell he was getting upset.

"Slender, I..." I pleaded, but he cut me off.

"No, I have had it. You have to get her out of here. I gave her a chance, but nothing can be done now. Killers don't fall in love, Jeff. And most importantly, they don't let family get in their way."

"This is bullshit! You're the one making us do this! At least give us some freedom." I spieled in frustration.

"Freedom will not get the work done!" He slammed his long fingers furiously against his desk. "You belong to me. Therefore, you will obey me no matter what."

I stayed silent for a minute, looking down at my feet. He was right of course. There was no way to resist this guy. He had full power over me. I clenched my teeth. The thought of never seeing (y/n) again made me more angry than I ever was.

I turned on my heel and power walked out of the office, slamming the door loudly behind my back. My breath intensified. I couldn't do it just now. I needed a break. It didn't even feel real. I hate it when I'm being ordered around, but that's what all my life really is.

I rushed out of the mansion and got in my van. It was time for some therapeutic killing.

(Y/n)'s POV

That was Mark. I know it. I'd recognize his voice anywhere. Even after all these years.

I sat on the corner of the bed, hugging my knees, trying to hold back the tears. It was useless crying about that. It wouldn't change anything. I had to get over things. I was never gonna see my brother again. He doesn't even remember me. And that's fine. It's not the end of the world.

I kept repeating those same words to myself over and over, pretending to be okay, but what was I kidding. I wasn't okay, I never was. Even the fact that I still had Jeff. It's not real. I don't really love him. I've heard of it before, the Stockholm syndrome. That's what it was. A disease. But can it be cured?

I took a deep breath and stood up. I should just forget about it and pretend that it's all okay. That I actually love Jeff. It'll be easier that way.

Before he came back I managed to take a relaxing bath, tidy my clothes, make the bed. Then, when it was getting dark, the door slowly opened.

"Jeff, hey." I smiled at him and rushed to hug him. He was silent. Only after I backed up I realized he was dripping with blood that was now on me too.

"Jeff... are you okay?" I asked, after noticing his emotionless face. He didn't answer. Instead, he cupped my face and pulled me into a make out session. It surprised me a little, but I didn't resist.

His strong arms lifted my legs and I wrapped them around his waist. We then plopped onto the bed and quickly started undressing each other. Soon enough he was inside of me, moving slowly. Our bodies leaning closely to one another. Sweat forming between us.

"I love you...(y/n)." Jeff whispered into my ear. His words fluttered like butterflies inside my stomach.

"I-I love you too..." I replied with an exhale, grabbing onto his back with my legs hugging his body.

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