Chapter 21: brother

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Mark's POV ((y/n)'s older brother)

7 years ago

I was walking my 10 year old sister down the street. She wore a creepy clown costume as it was a Halloween night. After taking her trick or treating it was finally time to get her home and that's when I'd be free to go to Issac's party.

Little (y/n) walked happily with her little bag of candy, holding my hand. She was a sweet kid. Never complaining about anything, never threw fits.

"So, did you have fun today?" I asked her.

"Yess! It was crazy." She laughed. "Kyle tried to steal my candy again, but I did as you said! I kicked him bellow his stomach and he just fell to the ground crying!"

"Oh hell yeah! Nice work, princess." I smiled.

"Yeeah.. but I'm afraid now he's gonna be even more angry with me... I don't understand, Mark, what did I ever do to him?" She whined.

"Well, that's how boys are sometimes. We have no shame." I laughed.

"But you're different." (Y/n) pushed me playfully with her shoulder to which I pretended to fall to the side a bit as to make her feel stronger than she really is.

"Naah, you're wrong. I was terrible when I was your age." I admitted.

"So, you're saying Kyle might grow out of it too?" She asked.

"Hmm... maybe. Some grow out, some stay dumb and immature." I explained.

She started thinking about something. Her face got serious. It was adorable really.

"Whachya thinkin' about?" I leaned a little closer to her face.

She just shook her head slowly as if saying 'nothing'. I sighed. We continued walking in silence. Finally, we reached our house.

"Well, you should go get some sleep." I said.

"Mark, aren't you coming in too." (Y/n) asked, a bit sad that I wouldn't be coming with her.

"Hah, no. I have to meet some friends. You know, when you're older you celebrate Halloween a bit differently." I explained.

She just stood silently, emerged in her thoughts. It looked like she was worried about something.

"Mark... do you really have to go? You can stay and celebrate with me. I don't want to sleep yet." She insisted.

"(Y/n), you need to get to sleep. And besides, why do you want me to not go so badly?" I asked curiously.

She paused for a second before speaking. " I just have a bad feeling. I really feel like you should stay."

I kneeled down to her level and put my hands on her shoulders. "Hey, it's okay. I'll be fine." I smiled. "There's nothing for you to worry about. You're just tired, that's all."

She looked down to her feet and sighed. Then raised her eyes back up at me. "Okay..."

We hugged and then I watched her run into the house.

Sweet kid. Unlike most siblings we never fought. We always got along, ever since mother found a new boyfriend we were the only trusty family to one another. And even though I was eight years older than her, it never felt like it. (Y/n) was a really mature girl for her age.

I took my phone out of my pocket and called Isaac.

"Ay, dude, where are you?"

"Broo, took you a while! Look, I couldn't wait. I'm all wasted." Issac said laughing, trying to out scream the noises of the party. "I'm afraid you'll have to get here on your own."

I sighed. Typical Issac. All that was left to do was so try and steal mom's car for the night. She used to be okay with me driving it, but ever since she got with that douchebag she was convinced by him that she shouldn't trust me with even the smallest things, let alone a car.

I waited outside for a couple of minutes to make sure no one in the house was up. The lights were all out and it was silent. Convinced that the coast is clear, I carefully unlocked the front door and snuck in.

Moms car key was laying on the kitchen counter as always. I quickly grabbed it and rushed out of the house.

The scary part was starting the car. But after I hit the road I could relax a bit. It took me about fifteen minutes so get to Issac's house. It was all lit up, laughs and chattering was coming out of it.

Took me a while to park my car, as the whole front yard was full. But I thankfully found a little spot and finally could go in and relax.

"Mark! Maaan, you're finally here!" Issac came at me with a beer can in his hand. He was wearing a cheap low key vampire costume. "Dude, who are you supposed to be? A serial killer?" He laughed. "Oh! Or maybe you're the victim."

I kneeled down, reached for the little cupboard and took out the Ghostface mask which I then put on. "A serial killer." I replied.

"Riiiight! You left that here yesterday! Our smart little Marky." He pointed at me while talking and winked. I only smiled at that, as he was completely drunk. "Okay, you need to get some booze. Can't stand seeing you so serious." He laughed, walking away from me.


The party was getting crazier, everyone got more and more drunk, including myself. Some people started throwing up and passing out. Couples were making out in corners. Some were up in different bedrooms.

I put a blanket on Issac, who was sleeping on the couch and turned to my girlfriend Layla.

"Hey, you wanna go sit outside? The weather's kinda nice." I suggested. She smiled and nodded.

We went and cuddled on one of those outdoor swings. A nice fall breeze slightly messed with our hair. It was a beautiful night. Not a single cloud in the sky, letting millions of stars show along with a full moon shining on us.

This moment was perfect, until all was ruined by a terrible headache.

"Ahhhhh!" I let Layla go and curled up, gripping my hair with both my hands.

"Mark! Are you okay?" Layla asked, concerned and put her hand on my back.

I didn't have the strength to answer. Suddenly, my vision went black and in a blink of an eye I found myself standing in a thick mist. I squinted my eyes to try and see something, but everything around me was just a light grey. I wrapped my arms around my shoulders, as it was really cold. Steam came out of my nose and mouth every time I exhaled.

In the fog all of a sudden I could see a strange white face. Except... there was no face. No eyes, no nose, no mouth. As it got closer I realized how tall that someone was. I could now see that he wore a neat black suit. Whatever that was, it wasn't a human. My heart rate started raising. The creature kept getting closer.

As soon as I realized what was happening I turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could. I didn't see shit where I was going, but I didn't stop. I could feel the tall man's presence nearby no matter how much I ran.

I turned my head to see if he was after me, but I saw nothing. I stopped, trying to catch my breath. Somehow I knew he was right there, even though I couldn't see him. After a minute of deep breathing and looking around the mist started going away.

In a far distance I saw the tall man. He was facing me. And even though he had no eyes, I could feel that he was staring at me.

As I stood there, not able to move, someone grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth. I tried kicking around, but the attacker was surprisingly strong. However, I managed to kick him away and turned to see his face.

My my eyes widened. All I could see was a big, cut out smile, in a frame of messy black hair, before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I growled in pain and fell on my knees. Soon enough, everything went black again.

Ahhhh, you guys! I can't believe it! This story is now #1 in creepypasta! I really didn't expect it to do so well, but I am so thankful to all of you who supported my work. This really means the world to me <3
Thank you for being such an amazing audience. And I hope you'll like whatever is yet to come ;)

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