Chapter 23: Mark

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Mark's POV

I woke up early that day. A lot of work was ahead of me. Slender always game me the most work as I was the only one listening to his demands. You could say I was more of a hit man. I didn't kill for pleasure, I killed cause I had to. It was my job.

I didn't mind it of course. I liked my job. It was something I was good at.

I got out of bed before dawn, quickly got ready and went out. This weird feeling was bothering me the whole morning. I tried to ignore it, but it was only getting stronger.

It felt like déjà vu. Something felt so familiar. And for some reason, without even noticing I found myself standing in front of Jeff's door.

I frowned. Why am I here. I hate that guy. That's when the door opened and I stepped back. As Jeff walked out did face instantly filled with annoyance.

"What the fuck do you want?" He spat.

Before I could answer my eyes caught someone. A girl, sitting on Jeff's bed.

"Who's that?" I asked, leaning to the side to see more.

"None of your business." Jeff covered the view with his body.

"Who's that?" A mellow voice came from the room. The girl walked closer to the door, but Jeff covered her away from me.

"It's no one. (Y/n), I need to deal with this. He said quickly and closed the door behind him.l before she could say anything.

"(Y/n)? Where have I heard that..." I asked myself.

"Don't be stupid and stop making up shit. Don't you have an assignment?" Jeff grunted.

"Yeah... I do." I uttered, lost in my thought. Then slowly I turned my back to the smiling freak and walked away, followed by his sharp stare.

I got in my car and drove a long way to my destination, the whole time thinking about the name.

"(Y/n)..." I mouthed to myself. I could swear I used to know someone named (y/n).

I reached the place I needed to be at. My target was one of those self proclaimed creepypasta "hunters". Yeah, that's right. There are people out there trying to hunt us down. Ridiculous.

As expected he was a typical thirty year old, still living in his parents basement, having nothing better to do than pretend to be a hero in this fucking world. Pathetic. At first Slender thought it was funny, but in time, as there were more and more of them, it got on his nerves and he ordered us to kill them all. Can't blame him really.

I snuck in. The guys parents were at work as planned. I took a look around. It was a nice place. Had a nice vintage feel to it. The corridor walls were a soft gold, covered in family photos. I stopped to glance at them. They seem like a nice family. At least used to be.

From what I could see they had two sons. One was the guy I was about to kill, in most recent photos wearing the same old, a little stained shirt, greasy, dirty blonde hair and a five o'clock shadow. He was a big guy. His brother was a polar opposite to him. Always clean, well shaved, from his neat suit I could tell he was a business man.

'I guess I'm doing this family a favor.' I thought to myself, letting a little laugh out.

Without thinking much else I proceeded going downstairs to the basement. As expected the guy was at home. Of course, where else would he be.

He was sleeping, even though it was 2pm. I approached him silently, taking a pocket knife out. I like using small weapons. Makes it more detailed. I smiled to myself.

The fat guy snored loudly with his mouth wide open. Sleeping with the same shirt he always wore. I tilted my head to the side, then carefully placed my knife inside his mouth and sliced his tongue, making the guy jump out of sleep, screaming. Once he realized what was going on our eyes met. My (e/c)(same as yours) ones with his gray ones. They were filled with terror and confusion. Blood coming out of his mouth, making him choke a little. He was frozen in fear. I flashed him a smile before slicing his throat. A gargle came out of his mouth before he stopped moving.

Job done. I wiped my knife with a napkin and turned on my heel. Then a familiar pain hit my head. I kneeled down, grunting, grabbing my head with both my hands. The pocket knife falling to the ground. Pain getting worse with the sound of metal hitting the floor.

"Mark!.." A familiar voice echoed in my head, calling my name.

"(Y-y/n)?" I called. Without me noticing a tear came running down my cheek.

I looked up. The pain stopped. I was in that same room. Kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. I glanced at the pocket knife and furrowed my eyebrow, then stood up. This weird confusion washed over me. Like I could barely remember what I was doing.

I slowly turned around and saw the guy I just killed. 'Did I really just do that?' I asked myself. My breath intensified again. My hands started shaking. It felt like all this time I was controlled by someone. And I only now realized it. They were making me do terrible things. I thought I was enjoying it, but I wasn't.

Slenderman. Or course it was him. Anxiety was tripling in. I felt like I was going crazy. That's when everything went black.


"Mark, my child, we have a problem." The all too familiar voice woke me up. I squinted at the light. Once I realized my surroundings I freaked. It was the same table that I was tortured on. The same one where he removed my memory. The one where all that manipulation began.

"N-no... NO!" I begged, but I was shut down by a cloth stuffed in my mouth. And despite my pleas, a lightening pain went through my skull.

Everything I knew. Everything I believed in was rewritten again. I was just a tool.

Yesss, updates two days in a row. Well that's new for me :D but you guys deserve it :*
Hope you enjoyed <3

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