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Destiny POV

"I'm supposed to be your fiancée and you're still lying to me. you'll never change" I cried as our baby girl kept crying in the background but, we were too busy arguing to even realize she was screaming her head off.

"How about you huh?" He raised his voice. "You don't think I know what you've been doing behind my back?"

Two months earlier...

Our baby girl Melody is 7 months old. We bought a new house and I'm doing online classes because I have to stay with Melody all day. Simon helps as much as he can when he's not at work.

I never knew taking care of a baby was so difficult and I thought giving birth to her would be the difficult part.

Popping your pussy is all fun and games until, you end up with a child.

Simon and I were laying in bed. I was faced away from him. He kept touching all over me.

"Simon stop" I pushed his hand.

"Des we haven't had sex since Melody was born"

"Simon I'm tired. I've been taking care of Melody all day I just want to get some sleep." I could tell he was mad because he angrily put a pillow in between us.

"Simon you're not serious right?" I asked disgusted by how mad he was.

"You said you were tired I don't know why you're still talking" he says shutting me up.

He was acting like a baby.

The next morning, he was giving me the silent treatment like I did something wrong.

"Simon what time are you coming home from work tonight?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just kept getting dressed for work.

"Simon" I called out but, he didn't answer. "Simon what time are you getting off from work?" I shouted.

"I don't know" he answered nonchalantly.

"So you don't know what time you're getting off work?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"You heard me"

"You're acting like a child just because I wouldn't have sex with you last night"

"We haven't had sex in 7 months" he says. "You're my fiancée your supposed to satisfy my needs"

"And I'm also suppose to take care of your child. If you feel like I'm not being a good fiancée then find another woman to be engaged to"

"Ok...I'm sorry" he got out of his seat and hugged me from behind. "I'm getting off at 9"

"Have a good day baby" I said watching him walk out the door.

I spent the majority of the day taking care of Melody. It's extremely hard to take care of her when Simon isn't here. I only get to relax when he's here because he puts her to sleep within a few minutes. She doesn't care sad much as you use to. It's just the fact that she cries when I'm not in the room. As soon as she wakes up and she doesn't see me or Simon she loses her mind.

I looked through the fridge and realized we barely have anything so I'll have to go to the grocery store. I thought about leaving Melody with my mom. I went over to her house and the only person who was there was my little cousin. Her name is Naomi and she's 17 I doubt that she would want to stay home and babysit but I'll try to convince her.

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