Chapter 55

503 31 19

Destiny POV

"What should we do for Melody's birthday?" I asked Simon as we ate breakfast. Simon has became fixated with wanting to spend as much time as a family. I honestly believe it's because he's lonely and just doesn't want to be alone.

"We should go out of town" he replied.

"For what?" I asked.

"There's a really nice aquarium in Baltimore. We could stay at a four seasons hotel there too"

"Oh that's sounds fun" I smiled at him.

"I forgot how beautiful your smile is" he flirted. Ever since his break up with Michelle he's been trying to flirt with me. I can't continue being his second choice. I only get hurt in the end then he acts like I'm being crazy because he's leading me on.

"Simon you need to stop" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help it. You're beautiful"

"Whatever ugly. I'll take Melody to daycare today since I'm going to be on my way to work" I said getting up with my empty plate. "Oh and could you please pick Melody up today? I have to work late"

"Yeah I'll pick her up"

I dropped Melody off at daycare and went to work.

"Hey Destiny I found out that my apartment complex is leasing right now and they have immediate move-in" my friend Kelly told me.

"Oh that's great can you give me the address so I can fill out an application for one"

"Yeah sure. I'll text you the address"

I've been trying to get my own place because I don't want to live with my baby daddy. I don't plan on being in another relationship but I also don't wanna live with Simon especially if he keeps flirting with me. Our relationship was too toxic, we had a hard time expressing our feelings to each other, and let's not forget the cheating on both sides. I just need to focus on Melody and give her all the love and attention I didn't get from my mom and dad.

When I got home, Simon and Melody were laying in his bed together. Melody was sleeping as Simon was watching a movie. I placed my phone down on his dresser letting him know that I'm home.

"You're home" he smiled turning his attention away from the tv. "Come lay down with us"

"I have to take a shower" I told him trying to avoid laying in the same bed with him. I told myself I would never do those things with him again. That's how I start catching feelings for him again.

"After you're done come lay down with us like we use to"

I exited the room and went into the bathroom. I removed my clothing and turned on the shower waiting until the water was warm enough for me to hop into the shower.

While I was in the shower, I just started thinking about how my life is going to change in a few months. I'm going to be living alone with my daughter. I want her to look up to me as her role model and be able to tell me everything.

Yes, my mother did well for herself education wise but she was really distant with me. She didn't care about forming a relationship with me. She thought giving me money to eat while I stayed alone at home all the time was enough. A lot of the time I would go to Lily's house because she was always around people who loved her.

After I finished showering, I moisturized my body and brushed my teeth. I went into my room to put on my night gear.

"Hey Des" Simon called me from the other room. I went into his room to see what did he want.

"When were you going to tell me that you were moving out?"

"Did I have to tell you that?" I questioned him with much curiosity. "How do you even know?"

"You left your phone in here"

"Why are you going through my phone?"

"You phone dinged and-" he stopped in his tracks. "So you were just going to move out without saying anything?"

"I told you I wasn't staying here for long. I was going to move out once I got on my feet. It's time for be to be on my own with Melody. You'll still get to see her we just won't be living together"

"But we just starting being a family again"

"We could still be a family in separate homes. We're on good terms right now-"

"We WERE on good terms" he replies.


Thanks for reading and please like the chapter 💕

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