Chapter 12

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Destiny POV

After I came back to the table Simon was quiet. It honestly scared me because I know I left my phone on the table. He didn't even pull me into his arms while we were in bed like he always does.

This morning we packed to go back home and Simon was still really quiet. I tried making conversation but he would one word me.

While we were walking past the front desk, one of the ladies I lied to at the hotel Jay brought me to was checking in with her husband. I remember telling her Jay was my fiancé.

"Destiny is that you?" She walked up to me. "It's me Wendy"

I tried to play it off as if I didn't know her. But, she wouldn't give up.

"You were with your fiancé at the luxurious hotel. Where is he now I want to say hi to him"

Simon stood there looking very confused.

"I think you got the wrong person" I tried walking past her.

"Don't you have a daughter named Melody?" She asked. "You showed me pictures, she's half Korean and half Jamaican"

She was exposing the hell out of me. I could tell Simon was pissed off because he walked away.

"I think you got the wrong person" I lied, speeding out the hotel with my things.

"What a crazy lady" I nervously chuckled at Simon. It scared me how quiet he is. Most of the time when he seen something that bothered him he would be very vocal about it. This time is extremely quiet. He's not even looking at me.

When we got back the first thing we did was pick up Melody. I thought we would spend one night alone before picking her up like he planned but, I guess he changed his mind.

Thankfully, Melody was already asleep so, I put her in her crib. Simon was laying on our bed texting. He's only been paying attention to his phone since we got back. That's something he hasn't did in a while.

I was about to enter the room until, his phone starts ringing. He immediately picks it up.

I don't know what the other person on the line was saying but he was saying shit like "I missed you too" and "hold on, I'll coming over".

"Where are you going?" I entered the room with my arms crossed.

"I'm going out" he said getting dressed to leave.

"Are you going to be with another woman?" I asked.

"No" He lied.


"No I'm not going to be with another woman" he tried to walk past me but I pushed him back into the room.

"I'm supposed to be your fiancée and you're still lying to me. you'll never change" I cried as our baby girl kept crying in the background but, we were too busy arguing to even realize she was screaming her head off.

"How about you huh?" He raised his voice. "You don't think I know what you've been doing behind my back?"

"You wanna talk about doing shit behind someone's back? Ok, who's Diamond?" I tried taking all the tension off of me and putting it back on him.

"I don't know who that is!" He yelled.

"You're such a fucking liar!"

"Says the one, who's planning on leaving me!" He yelled back. "If you wanted to be with Jay so fucking bad why didn't you ask him to come save you in New York?"

"Why the fuck would you bring that up?! You know I still have nightmares about that" I started hitting him.

"Get the fuck off me Destiny" he grabbed my hands

"Or what?! You're gonna hit me now?!"

"Shut the fuck up you know I'll never put my hands on you" he said letting go of my hands trying to walk out the front door.

"You better be lucky you're the father to my daughter I would stab the hell out of you" I threatened him. "You better get back in the house and close the fucking door"

Simon got back in the house and closed the door walking back up stairs. So, I followed his ass.

He was trying to get Melody to stop crying.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"Do what?"

"Cheat on me with that stripper"

"Don't do this shit in front of Melody"

"Why!" I said not even caring anymore.

"Why did you cheat on me with Jay again" he asked.

"That's different though-"

"It's different because you love him. I would never leave you for that bit- that girl" he said realizing he had Melody in his arms.

That shut me up completely. He was still wrong but I couldn't come up with anything to say.

He put Melody back to sleep and started packing his things.

"Simon stop what are you doing" I tried to stop him from packing.

"I'm leaving you before you leave me" he said.

"Simon plea-" before I could finish that sentence I felt like I had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom throwing up on the floor, not even making it to the toilet.

Simon followed me into the bathroom and seen that threw up all over the floor.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked.

"I don't know" I shook my head. "it shouldn't matter to you anymore, you're leaving me"

"Let's get you and this mess cleaned up so we could buy you a pregnancy test" he said leaving the bathroom and coming back to clean my vomit off the floor and getting me cleaned up.

We took Melody with us even though she was sleeping. Simon bought me a pregnancy and some food since I didn't cook today.

We got home. After I ate, I took the pregnancy test. I feared that it would be positive and worse that it wouldn't be Simon's. I'm not sure if Jay even wants kids right now. He never talks about it.

The pregnancy test read positive. My heart started racing. I got out the bathroom in tears and handed Simon the test.

"Is it mine?" He asked.

"I don't know" I cried.

"Stop crying" he wiped my tears

We laid in bed, in each other's arms. In the morning, I hope that we could talk and get pass the mistakes we made and eventually fix our relationship.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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