Chapter 56

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Destiny POV

I haven't talked to Simon ever since he tried to make me feel guilty for wanting to move out. He's not my man, he's just my baby daddy he has no right to be mad at me.

"Girl, this pregnancy is kicking my ass" Lily stressed. She had that glow to her from her pregnancy. She was two months pregnant. "I hate morning sickness so much"

"It's all gonna be worth it when your baby comes out"

"I know Jinhwan keeps saying it's gonna be a boy but I really want a girl"

"I can't wait to hold my niece or nephew" I said as our waiter placed our food on the table. "By the way, Simon is mad at me right now and this time it's definitely not my fault"

"What happened?"

"He's mad about me wanting to move out"

"Wow, isn't he still with Michelle?"

"No...they broke up and he was going through his little heart break then all of a sudden wanted us to become a family again"

"Honestly whether he's mad or not you need to learn what it's like to be on your own. You haven't been alone since you were 18 years old. You have a three year old daughter now and you're twenty two years old. You don't need him continuously telling you what to do so his feelings are protected. We all know when you're feeling some way in contrast to what he wants to do he doesn't care" she ranted. "I say live your live and take care of your child because that's all that matters"

"Yeah you're right. I just feel bad that I'm soon going to be leaving him while he's alone"

"But he's done that to you so??? Stop having a soft spot for him when he clearly doesn't have it for you"

Michelle POV

"Are you sure if I reach out to him he'll want to sit down and talk?" I asked Jay. It seems like Simon doesn't want to talk to me but he's still friends with Jay which doesn't make sense to me. He keeps thinking I cheated but I didn't cheat. Jay was just comforting me after I told him I was pregnant. I wanted to tell Simon earlier but it seemed like I would be telling him at the wrong time. We were going through a lot around that time.

"Yeah I'm sure. I honestly don't want him thinking it's mine. That's what he'll think if you wait longer than this" he responded.

"He just seems so mad at me" I pouted. He's been so cold towards me. I didn't even do anything to him.

"Telling him that you're pregnant is way more important"

"Yeah you're right"

Destiny POV

"How long are you going to act like you're mad at me?" I asked Simon while he was watching TV acting like I wasn't there.

"I just don't get why would you want to leave?"

"Because I've never actually been on my own. I've always lived with someone and I want to be  an adult for once"

"You can be an adult and live here"

"But I'm always going to depend on you. You use to complain about these types of things now that you don't have a girlfriend anymore you want me to be here"

He got completely quiet after I said that. Which means it's true. He constantly complained how childish I was and how I never want to take care of myself and now that I'm trying he wants  to complain. It's like he knows if I become more independent I won't have any real use of a relationship with him. Unless it has something to do with our daughter.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"You're not going to get the door?" I asked Simon would kept looking down at his phone and acting as if he didn't hear the knocks on the door that kept getting louder and louder.

"Tell her I'm not here" he responded going into the room.

Who the fuck is he talking about? I opened the door to see Michelle standing there.

"Hi... is Simon here?" She asked. She seemed very disappointed that I answered the door as expected.

"N-no" I lied. I am not trying to be in the middle of their mess anymore. I've gotten nothing but embarrassment from that.

"Ok sorry for bothering you" she said. She looked like there was something really bothering her. I wanted to ask what was going on but once again getting in the middle of their mess has done nothing for me.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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