Chapter 20

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Destiny POV

"Bring Melody over to her dad's place and pack your things" Jacob demanded.

I couldn't even think clearly especially after Jacob came inside me. It's like he's trying to ruin my life. I know I've did a lot of wrong but, I shouldn't have to be tied down to someone like Jacob. I don't want to have his child. I have to find a way to buy some Plan B.

"Ok just wait here and I'll-"

"No I want to come with you" he interrupted me. If he comes with me I won't be able to ask Simon for help.

"I'm going to come back I swear"

"But you'll come back with the father of your child or some shit. I'm not falling for any of your little games anymore. Hurry up and pack your shit" he said making me lose a little bit of hope.

Maybe I could signal Simon for help once I get to the front door.

I finished packing my things and got Melody ready so that I can bring her to her father's house. Jacob drove us over to Simon's home. He stayed in the car while I went up to the front door with Melody and her bags.

I was really hoping Simon opened the door but it had to Michelle. Her hair was messy and she was just wearing an oversized shirt. I could tell what type of night they had.

"Why are you here?" She asked as if she didn't know. I understand I attacked her but she really acts as if I have to right to drop my child off at Simon's house like come on he's the father of my child. She's even told Simon to come over and pick Melody up because she doesn't like me coming over to the house. She still thinks I want to attack her or something. I honestly don't want to do any of that. I just want my daughter to be able to spend time with her dad.

"I came to drop off my daughter" I said. "Is Simon here?" I added hoping that he's here so he could help me.

"He's sleeping. Why do you want so I can pass on the message" she says knowing damn well she's not going to pass on anything that comes from me.

"It's nothing" I said. "I have to get going"

Now I've lost all hope. I was hoping Simon opened the door. He could always tell that I'm in trouble but now he's got Michelle and I doubt that he would even care. She's everything I'm not. Why would he care if I'm in danger?

I got back in the car and Jacob drove off to the airport. I could already tell we're going to go back to New York. The only person that I know is in New York right now is Lily but I doubt Jacob would let me go anywhere near her. Plus, Jacob has my phone in his pocket and I don't think he'll give it back.

I couldn't sleep through the whole flight. I missed my baby. I didn't even get to feed her before I had to send her off to her dad's house. I don't even know how long I'll be gone. I just started thinking of all the things I took for granted. I even wished that I didn't let Jay go so easily because I would've had someone in the house with me.

We made it to New York after a very long flight.  Jacob had his sister who I've never met before pick us up from the airport. Come to find out she's going to be staying with us. Maybe she'll stop him from putting his hands on me. I know Jacob hasn't changed. The way he grabs me and raises his voice when I question what's going on proves that he's still the same Jacob.

"I've heard so much about you" his sister Alyssa said. "My brother is really in love with you"

"Is that so?" I replied. Last time I checked he was fucking my cousin Naomi but I'm not going to say anything.

"Yeah, he's actually been talking about marrying you and having kids with you. You're actually the first girl he's introduced to me"

He has a funny way of showing love. "Aww I didn't know that" I said trying not to sound uninterested.

We arrived to his home and at least it's cleaner than it was before. This place brings a lot of bad memories like the time Jacob first put his hands on me, when he hit me in front of his friends, forced me to do drugs with him, and hit me while I was pregnant.

I didn't want to unpack my things because it will make me feel as if I stay here again and I'd rather just sit here in denial.

"I'm so happy we're back together" Jacob kissed me which made me feel dirty.

"Am I ever going to see my daughter again?" I asked him. That's my biggest fear.

"Why would you want to see her again? She ruined our relationship"

"What? How could a baby ruin our relationship?"

"She's not mine and you were with me when you were pregnant with her. Why can't you see that we belong together? I was there when your baby daddy hurt you. He still didn't stay with you after the fact"

"You ruined our relationship. You're a drug addict and you were always handling our problems with your fist"

"Destiny shut the fuck up I'm not a drug addict!" He raised his voice.

"What do they call people who snort coke daily and pop pills on the regular? You're a fucking drug addict! Don't ever speak on my daughter like you're above her!"

"Fuck your daughter!" He yelled and my hand went right across his face.

He was going to hit me back but his sister got in the middle of it.

"Jacob stop it" she tried calming him down.

"She's always provoking me!" He yelled punching the wall.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I carelessly said walking out the room.

"No you're sleeping with me"

"You really think I'm going to sleep with you after you insulted my daughter?"

"Destiny I'm sorry. I'm still hurt you left me with no warning. I thought we were doing great and you just up and left"

"All I asked of you is to stop hitting me but you won't. Now you're acting like I broke your heart and you missed me but you were fucking my little cousin for months"

"That's enough!" Alyssa yelled. "You should be grateful that my brother still loves you after what you did to him!!"

Oh so this whole family is just dumb. The fact that she's still defending him after I said he beats me and he also slept with cousin.

"Whatever" I said continuing to walk towards the living room to sleep on the couch.

"Destiny please let's talk" Jacob said chasing after me.

"I don't think we really have anything to talk about"

"I'm going to let you speak to your daughter and finish school"

"You are?"

I'm honestly shocked. That means I'll be able to see Lily again. Plus, I'll still be able to speak to Melody.

"Only under some conditions. When you are speaking to your daughter I have to be there and you're not going to the same school you went to last time" he said which crushed my spirit.


"It's either that or nothing" he interrupted me.

"Ok I'll take it"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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