Chapter 37

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Simon POV

I trust Michelle But, I don't trust Jay. He keeps texting her very late at night and making inappropriate jokes with her. What bothers me the most is she doesn't tell him to stop. I know she doesn't think anything of the things that he tells her but, it bothers me.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm going out with Jay. I'm trying to hook him up with Samantha. I think they'll like each other" she told me. I trust her, she's only trying to be his friend.

Destiny POV

Bobby and I have been planning for me to stay the night but, Bobby told me I should ask Simon to watch Melody. I never told Bobby I stay with Simon because he'll just make it into a big deal. Especially since I cheated on him with Simon a long time ago.

As far as Bobby's concerned, I live alone with my daughter but, that's not the case at all. He'll never find out I live with Simon because I'll never let him know.

"Why don't we ever hang out at your house?" He asked.

"Because my house is always a mess. Melody leaves toys everywhere" I told him.

"I don't care. I'll help you clean it" he responded. It's a shame that he's never met Melody because asshole Simon still won't let me take Melody out on my own because he's scared I'll have her around the wrong surrounding. He only really trust me around Lily and Jinhwan. Since he think those are probably my only mature friends.

"Bobby will you love me forever and ever despite what ever happens"

"Of course I will" he kissed me.

Simon POV

It's 3 in the morning and Michelle nor Destiny are back home. I expect this type of behavior from Destiny but not Michelle. It only makes me worry because she's out with Jay and I really don't trust him.

A couple of minutes later, she opens the door and walks through the door. She had a strong smell of alcohol on her.

"Why are you coming in so late?"

"Baby I'm sorry. Samantha, Jay, and I were taking shots together and-"

"You could of called me to take you home"

"I drunk so much that I didn't even come up with that idea I'm sorry baby" she wobbled towards me almost falling until, I held her.

"Are you sure that all you did. You could tell me Michelle. Honesty first"

"Are you trying to ask did I cheat on you? She slurred.


"Honesty first Simon"

"Yes, I just don't trust him"

"You obviously don't trust me neither. I would never do that to you. What is wrong with you?"

"You're the one who came in here drunk Michelle. What am I supposed to think?"

"Maybe, I was having fun with friends. I'm young Simon. I don't just want to have lunch or boring dinners with your friends. I have a life too!"

"If they're so boring stop asking to go to them!"

"I will! Matter of fact, I'll never go anywhere with you!"

"You don't mean that. You're drunk. Just get in bed"

"No, I'm going to bed" she tried walking up the stairs but, kept stumbling so I had to pick her up and take her upstairs.

"Let me go ugly" she said without a fight as I laid her on the bed.

"I'm sorry for asking you something like that. I know you wouldn't do that to me. I've just been hurt been him and Destiny too many times in the past"

"I'm sorry for calling you old and ugly. I'm also sorry for calling your friends boring"

"You didn't call me old" I said.

I was thinking it" She said which made me laugh.

Destiny POV

Bobby and I woke up in the morning and we ate breakfast and he took me home.

I walked up to the front door and knocked because I forgot my key like a dumbass. Bobby came up to me while I was at the front door and kissed me. We were kissing for a good 2 minutes until, Simon opened the door.

Bobby pulled away from me and that look on his face showed that he was angry just seeing Simon again and Simon gave him the same look.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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