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"I'll just go shopping, okay?" You said to Jeonghan who was on his phone. "Don't take too long. Be back home safely." His caring side made you smile.

You went out the door and went to the mall. You bought a dress and a pair shoes from a store. After buying, you went to a cafe and ordered iced coffee.

You sat alone at the back of the cafe and scrolled through your phone. "Y/N, is that you?" Someone said making you look up at the figure in front of you.

Your eyes widened and you smiled. "Sanggyun?" You asked, unsure. "Yes, it's me. You actually remembered, wow. It's been so long." He hugged you.

You hugged back and looked at him. He really changed a lot. Is this some type of cliche? He sat across you with a coffee in his hand.

"So, how's life with Jeonghan?" He asked before taking a sip on his coffee. You remembered that the three of you went to the same school. "It's been great. He's still a bit childish, though"

Both of you chuckled at the memory of Jeonghan before. "How about you?" You asked back. He sighed happily, "Remember that girl I used to like before?"

You nodded, letting him continue. "Well, she's my girlfriend now. Can you believe it?" You were shocked at what he just said. "Seriously?! I thought she hated you so much."

He shrugged then taking a sip on his coffee. "I guess she couldn't resist me." He smirked but you rolled your eyes. "You probably forced her." You said jokingly.

"Hey, I didn't." He fought back and you laughed. "I was just joking. I bet she loves you so much." Both of you finished your coffees and sat for a while.

"I always knew that you and Jeonghan would end up together." Sanggyun suddenly said. Before you could ask anything, he continued. "You guys were so sweet with each other."

You checked the time and realized that you were out for 3 hours already. You stood up, "I have to go now. Jeonghan is probably waiting for me back home. Bye, Sanggyun."

You waved to him and left. When you arrived home, you see Jeonghan pouting with his arms crossed. "What took you so long? I thought you were just shopping."

He asked as you sat beside him. "Remember Sanggyun from high school? I met him a while ago and we talked." He rolled his eyes and you were confused.

"Sanggyun? The guy you used to like before? Yeah, sure. I remember him." He replied in an annoyed tone. "What's wrong with you? He's only a friend to me. That's in the past already."

He scoffed, not convinced. "Yeah, just a friend to you." He said in sarcasm. Is he seriously being childish right now? "He is. You're my boyfriend, why would I like someone else?"

You were now getting a little annoyed. "What if he likes you? What if he steals you away from me?" He looked away while your face softened. "Jeonghan... he has a girlfriend."

His eyes widened and he turned red in embarrassment. He can't believe that he was jealous at a guy who has a girlfriend already. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know."

Jeonghan put his head down. You hugged him and pecked his cheek, "Don't worry. From now on, you have to go shopping with me." You stated and he looked at you.

"Why?~" He whined. "What if I meet another friend? I'm sure you'll be jealous again." He went to hug you, "But I'm lazy." You chuckled at him, "Too bad."
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