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"Hey Y/N, can you serve this coffee to that guy over there?" Your co-worker said while pointing to a guy sitting while writing something. It was Jihoon, but you didn't know him. "Okay." You replied. You grabbed the cup of coffee and carefully went to his direction. Then the expected happened, you tripped and accidentally spilled some coffee over his work. You slowly looked up, scared of what's going to happen next.

His face showed a shocked and angry expression. "Yah! What did you do? You ruined my work." He said with those angry eyes. The way he looked made you even more scared. "I'm so so sorry, sir. I really didn't mean it. Let me clean u-" You got cut off by your boss. "Y/N, your shift is over. You can leave now." Jihoon gave your boss a confused look.

In fact, your boss doesn't know what happened. You quickly left to get changed and be prepared to leave this mess. After you changed, you grabbed your things and left while covering your face. While you were walking, you heard someone call your name. "Y/N!" You turned around and saw Jihoon. "H-how did you know my name?" You asked nervously. "I saw your nametag, idiot." He scoffed.

"What do you want?" You asked, acting innocent. "Seriously? Don't pretend innocent because you ruined my work." You started getting annoyed at him. You already apologized and just wanted to go home, yet this guy won't let you go. "I said sorry, didn't I? What can I do about it?" You glared at each other. "Do you think 'sorry' can fix this? I spent days for it; yet, you ruined it in just seconds."

"So, what do you want me to do? Pay for it? Okay. Remake your work? Sure. Just don't make me lose my job. By the way, how important is this work to you?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Probably much more important than your nonexistent lovelife. You can't just replace my work that easily." "I might as well just leave then." You started leaving. To your surprise, he didn't follow.

That's what you thought. When you arrived home, you heard someone. "So, this is where you live?" You sighed, knowing who that voice belongs to. "Why'd you follow me all the way here? Is it really that serious?" He smiled sarcastically, "Wow~ You're angry at me? It was your fault at the first place." Why am I arguing with this stranger?
"Yah, I don't even know your name and I'm having this argument with you."

"But I know you-" He tried to continue, but you cut him off. "Because you saw my nametag. How about this? If you already decided what I should do about your ruined work, see me." Those were the last words you said before going inside your house and closing your door in front of him. Then you heard a few knocks, which caused you to open it harshly.

"What now?" You asked with a glare. "Go on a date with me tomorrow. I'll go to the cafe and wait for your shift to end." His eyes show that he was pleading. "That's all you want?" You asked. He went closer to you and held your chin, faces close to each other. "Why? Do you want more? Let's see, babe." He whispered before pecking you on the lips.

"By the way, my name is Lee Jihoon. Call me Woozi. That work you ruined a while ago was my poem about you. Go out with me and I'll forgive you. See you tomorrow." I can't believe this stranger asked me out and did that just because I ruined his work. That wasn't even really an argument to you.
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