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You were so relieved that you finally finished your work at the bookstore. However, your day became worse due to the rain. Ughh, I hate rain so much. Unfortunately, you had no umbrella with you. You wanted to call your best friend, Mingyu, but you remembered that he went to attend an event.

"Should I just walk home or get a taxi?" You asked yourself as you closed the shop while holding your bag. You were worried that it might get wet because it has important papers inside. Walking won't be so bad, since your house isn't that far. On the other hand, getting a taxi means spending more money.

You sighed heavily and started walking, but something didn't seem right. If I'm walking into the rain, why am I not getting wet? You looked up and saw that someone had covered you under their purple umbrella. At first, you thought that it was just Mingyu but he owns a blue green one, so it's not him.

You stopped your tracks to look at the person. He continued walking a bit before he stopped as well, causing you to get a little wet by the rain. To your surprise, he immediately went to cover you again with his umbrella. You took a glimpse of his face and realized that it was Mingyu's best friend, Wonwoo.

You knew each other but weren't that close. He often visits your bookstore to read or buy books. Mingyu even invites both of you to hangout with him. This is the first time he approached you without Mingyu around so it surprised you. You finally came back to your senses and noticed that he was already soaked in water, due to the rain.

"Wonwoo? What are you doing here?" You asked in concern and confusion while trying to give him back his umbrella, which he refused. "Mingyu told me to fetch you because he knows you wouldn't be able to go home in this bad weather." He replied with a straight face.

Even though you felt thankful to him, you still felt bad so you pulled him closer to you. That way, both of you would stay under the umbrella. You noticed that he was wearing a nice suit but it was already soaked, "You didn't have to fetch me, Wonwoo. You shouldn't have listened to Mingyu."

He chuckled while you were trying to fix his suit, but he stopped you. "It's all my fault that your suit got ruined. I'm really sorry. Mingyu always makes things worse." You said the last part quietly. Wonwoo just smiled and replied, "Let's just bring you home, okay?" You nodded and both of you started walking towards your house.

His house was just near yours so it was okay for him to bring you home. A few minutes later, you finally arrived at your house. You thanked him, "Thanks for bringing me home, Wonwoo. I really appreciate it." "I guess I have to go now." He started but you stopped him.

"Wait!" He turned to face you again. "Why don't you stay for a while? I could make hot chocolate for you. Please, I should at least repay you, especially your suit." You suggested and gave him a pleading face. Wonwoo hesitated at first, but he saw that you were serious so he accepted your request.

You went inside your house, followed by him. You quickly handed him a towel for him to dry up and he hanged his suit. While he dried himself up, you went to the kitchen to prepare two hot chocolates. "You know, I'm actually happy that I fetched you from your workplace." Wonwoo suddenly spoke from beside you.

He was literally beside you and his words made you flustered. "But your suit, it's ruined. If only Mingyu didn't tell you to fetch me, this wouldn't happen. Should I pay for it?" You asked while looking at him and he looked at you with seriousness.

"Stop worrying about my suit, it would just dry up. What if you get sick? Mingyu wouldn't like that and you won't be able to go to work. You're much more important than my suit, that's why I had to do it." Did I hear him right? After he said those, the hot chocolate was almost finished.

Instead of replying, you went to finish the drinks. You didn't realize that Wonwoo was already leaning closer to you. As soon as you faced him again, his lips met yours and it surprised you. Your cheeks became hot and red when he placed his hands on your waist.

"Wonwoo..." You called softly when he pulled away. Your cheeks were still red and visible, making him chuckle at your reaction. "You really wanna pay for my suit? Then kiss me again and be mine." Those were the last words he said before he pulled you towards him. "I love you." He whispered before kissing you again.

You hate the weather but you love this feeling, the feeling of him around.
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