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Today was such a tiring day. You had work but not the usual one because your boss made you do extra work. At least you get extra salary. You were still in your friend's car because he insisted to drive you home, knowing that your boyfriend must be tired as well.

"Thanks for driving me home." You said as you arrived in front of your house. You unlocked the door with your spare key and slowly pushed it opened. Seungcheol must be asleep.

The lights were off so maybe, you thought right. You went straight to your shared bedroom, only to see him awake. He was sitting on top of the table, looking outside with the lamp shade turned on.

Seeing the books beside him, he must've been reading. But why was he awake? "Seungcheol...why are you still awake? You should be sleeping by now?" You placed your bag down and went closer to him.

He sighed before looking at you. His eyes show that he has been waiting for so long. "I can't sleep and I got bored." You knew that it wasn't the reason so you replied. "I don't think so. You look really sleepy right now."

Despite his tiredness, Seungcheol just shrugged. "I just can't sleep, okay? Is it that hard to understand?" You flinched at his tone and he noticed it. You just wanted to know the reason why he stayed up so late.

"I don't want to start an argument here, Seungcheol. Just tell me why you stayed up late when you know that it's not good for you?" You finally asked while crossing your arms, looking at him for answers.

Instead of replying, he stayed quiet and looked down. If he won't reply, I might as well just do other things. You were about to head to the bathroom to change, when he pulled and hugged you, resting his head on your shoulder.

He started to sob slowly, "I just miss you. I really miss you. I want to see you that's why I can't sleep. I have to know that your safe. What if something happened to you?" Panic was heard from his voice.

You hugged him and rubbed his back to reassure him. "I'm sorry, my boss just gave me extra work. You don't have to worry anymore, I'm here now. You should sleep and rest." You guided him to your shared bed and laid him down.

"You sleep while I change." Then you left to the bathroom. You stayed there for a while, checking yourself in the mirror. What a tiring day. You expected Seungcheol to be asleep by now, but to no surprise, he wasn't.

"I missed you." He whined.
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