Chapter 2

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"Why do you keep staring at me?" I finally questioned him.

  When I woke - R had already left the dorm. When I had finished changing and opened the door only to turn around and see the guy staring at me from his place leaned against the wall beside his bed.

The harsh tone in my comment seemed to not to faze the mysterious guy, he spoke calmly.

"Because I want to."

"That's not even an ans-" My reply was cut short with a loud shattering. I had turned to see what had shattered. We had no windows in the dorm. In seconds I was shoved to the ground, the guys figure hovering over me. I grunted from the pain that shot through my back but he stayed in his place. Both of us were breathing heavy.

"Shit," he breathed out. He turned his head, looking behind us before getting off of me. Instead of standing he crouched down behind my bed (he had shoved the both of us on the side next to the closet) and pulled me to my knees beside him. The heat and electric shocks that had shot throughout my body had silenced my question and a soundless gasp escaped my lips. My sweater had pulled up slightly and he had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, his hand gracing over my exposed skin. He seemed to notice - or maybe that was my slightly parted lips in shock. But he turned his head slightly, before turning it back to the direction of the footsteps.

"Shh." Was his only mumbled response. Even from my low position on the ground. He quickly dragged the both of our hunched over figures to the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

"Oh, Red. Come out come out wherever you are." Came a female voice in a sing-song tone from the opposites side of the door. Her voice sounded like it belonged in a phyco home.

Was his name Red? Like the color?

Red- I think -cursed under his breath. His eyes darted around the bathroom as if looking for something. The bathroom wasnt too small and fit the both of us spaciously. It had a tub, a shower, a toilet, and sink. The usual. He kept his hands on my arms, holding me in place. I was speechless, from shock mostly. Who was the women?! Why was she here?! His head snapped to the door, but nothing was heard. Then, his large arms wrapped around my shoulder clutching me to his chest. One hand sat atop my head, tucking it deeper into his chest. Within seconds a shattering was heard, I would've jumped five feet if it weren't for him. I watched as glass went flying through the bathroom. The small peices hadn't hit me at all, but hit him. He used himself as a shield...

A dark laugh sounded throughout the bathroom when R relaxed his hold I peeked behind his arm. Staring at the cause of the crash. The face the voice belonged to.

She was pale, completely. Not your average pale completion, no. She was deathly pale. She had grey hair, but wasn't old at all. She could've passed as a twenty year old. It hung in chunks of an unbrushed mess, stopping at her shoulder blade. She was pretty, nonetheless.

Her cold, dead, sickening laugh snapped me out of my thoughts. It almost sounded like Maleficent, only more of a cringe worthy cackle. Her dead eyes snapped to me as she laughed. Standing close behind R, his arm around my waist kept me from moving from behind him. Protectively.

Her eyes weren't blue, green, hazel, brown, not even black. They were white, white like marble that nearly blended in with the whites of her eyes.

"You've gotten someone to protect now?" A smile, no, a smirk that held more mischief than the Weasley twins- or what's left of them. RIP. I was swiftly turned around, now he faced the women and i faced his back.

She took a step closer, the glass crunching under her bare feet- she had managed to punch through the wall of the bathroom knocking the whole mirror from its place on the wall, and the wall itself- she paid no mind to. This lady is crazy. Her hand reaches out, only four feet away she stood. But Red- no, that doesnt aound right. R, I think ill call him R. Was quicker than her, he pulled me impossibly closer, impossibly farther hidden behind him. A low growl rippled through the dorm. "Don't touch her."

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