Chapter 15

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  "Dodge," I listened to the sound. Waited. Waited.


There. The sound of the dagger flying towards me - to my side. Snapped me back, I turned fast, hearing it's clunk on the wall behind me.

I breathed out, listening again. I could feel the sweat sliding off my body. My heart pumped fast, I'm sure it was getting annoying for R to listen to it.


Another. I jumped, hearing a clunk on the wall behind me, where my feet would've been if i didnt jump.


"Yo!" I was thrown off balance, hearing balance, by the sudden noise.

I barley had time to register what was going on before an arm wrapped around my waist. A griping noise filled my ears and a gust of wind blew my ponytail hair back. I breathed out a sigh, quickly snatching off the blind fold R had tied around my eyes almost an hour ago.

"Holy shit!" Cole almost screamed.

The black dagger was inches away from my face, Rs hand clutched the blade, stopping it from hitting me.

His hand brushed my bare skin, where my tank top had risen.

"Thanks," I breathed. My heart really hammered now.

He cleared his throat. Nodding. Before dropping both hands.

"R," I almost soundlessly spoke, taking the dagger from his bleeding hand.

"It's fine. Im alright, are you okay?"

I nodded, keeping his hand in mine, I lead him to the counter in the gym with the first aid kit.

"You could've killed her. I said nobody come down here." He glared at the unwanted visitors. Kim, Cole, Z, and Aspen all stood, walking towards us.

I cleaned Rs cut with peroxide before slowly watching the ripped flesh connect back with one another and heal.

"Sorry," they each mumbled, staring at their shoes.

I sighed, leaning my head against Rs shoulder. We had been practising on sound today. First I could keep my eyes open, for two hours of training. Then, I was blind folded. If it weren't for R I'd be dead. I guess there is a few pros about getting these powers.

His hand moved and rested on my hip. He always shut down and became in talkative when people came around. But when it's me and him, he was pretty open.

I heard a scoff from one of the girls. What I've noted so far, they don't like me. But boy do they like R.

I rolled my eyes before lifting my head back up to find both glaring daggers at me.

"What?" I sighed, already annoyed with my near death experience. I knew R wouldn't put me in a close to death situation without knowing he'd br Able to stop it if things so south.

They didn't say anything.

"Nev, show-" Z gestures to the exit with his thumb. We were on a Teen Wolf marathon.

I nodded and leaned off the counter beginning to walk towards him. Rs hand slipped to my own, holding me in place.


"No?" Z and I questioned at the same time.

"Oh boy," Cole moved backwards, sweeping his hair out behind his ear.

"I dont want you going with him." Kim and Aspen rolled their eyes again.

"Look, I trust him -"

Z interrupted. "Damn right."

"I dont."

"I don't trust you either," Z glared back at R.

"You trust me," Aspen spoke to R, her lips pulling to a smirk.

"No, no I don't."

She pursed her lips. "Our Friday nights say differently," her eyes glanced at me.

"And ours." Kim joined in.

My eyes darted slowly towards the smirking girls and to the glaring R.

"Oh boy," Cole repeated, taking another step back.

Z sighed, running a hand down his face.

"Is that why you can down here? To try and manipulate her into thinking we did something?" R spoke firmly, harshly.

"No, of course not. That'd be lying. We did do something. Multiple times." Aspens eyes roamed over my body. Almost in disgust.

I closed my eyes. Sighing. "The both of you?" I asked Kim and Aspens.

They nodded, smirking.

"Nev," R sighed.

"You had sex with them? Both? Multiple times?"

He sighed. Nodding.

"What, what about Jade?"

He nodded.

"And, and Sarah?"

He closed his eyes but nodded.

"Seriously?" I sighed, shaking my head. It was more to myself.

The stab of hurt. I was disappointed in myself that i felt that way.

I shrugged. Ive always been told I'm a good actor. Now, ill out it to use.

"It's cool, I expected that to be honest-" that wasn't exactly a lie. "Just didn't think you'd take a taste to all the flavors."


"What?" I questioned him. "I dont need an explanation, dude. You can fuck who you want to, that's not my business. Just like i can fuck who I want to - it's not like we're together."

I didn't wait for his reply before dragging Z out of the gym. I didn't miss Rs yell and Cole scream in fear.

God, I'm such and idiot.

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