Chapter 33

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"Okay, bye. Goodnight, love you too." I hang up after talking to Z and saying goodnight. Of course I'm not going to bed, he is.

I throw my phone on the bed and leave the room, walking into the living room just to have someone slap my ass before saying "That's mine." And two arms grab my waist and pulled me onto their lap.


I look up at him in confusion. He puts me on his lap for some sort of claiming (or just to do it). So everyone knows I'm his and he is mine. He slaps my ass so everyone knows that's his too. If I weren't as comfortable around him and if he didn't have some place in my heart I probably would cut off his hand. But seeing as it's not rough or in any way to hurt me- and I'm comfortable around him and trust him. Im okay with it.

He kisses my forehead, earning a smile from me. Isn't he adorable!?!

That's when I realised his friends sitting on the couches opposite of us.

I immediately look at my hands, folded in my lap and began to fiddle with my hoodie sleeves after pulling my hoodie lower, trying to cover my exposed thighs due to the shorts I'm wearing. Still not comfortable with other people though...

I don't think his friends like me very much... The awkward silent is oblivious to R, considering he's giving me that 'look' and biting his lip. Idiot.

"I-Imma just- imma go eat..." I began getting up, he allows me with a questionable look but I bit my inner cheek and walk to the kitchen, keeping my eyes glued to the floor.

R's friends don't know about the powers, neither does most of the school. I've ran into a few people who have powers, you usually can sense it. But most of the times their eyes widen and they don't speak to me again. I asked R about it, but he blew it off and changed the subject. Like always.

Arms wrap waist from behind and a chin rest against my right shoulder.

"Are you okay, mi amor?"

I lift my head from my hands sigh, before turning and facing him.

"Yeah" I smile before adding "Why aren't you with your friends?"

"Well, I looked like something was bother you so I finished up early and were gonna hangout later."

"You know, you didn't have to make them leave because I was upset."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, but they were gettin' annoying anyways. So, you gonna what's wrong?"

I shrug my shoulders while he leads me to the bedroom and we crawl in bed together, cuddling.

"Your friends hate me..."

"They don't hate you." He laughs, pulling me.closer and kissing my forehead.

They do.

I blow it off and began to ask him about his day, considering he was with his friends all day. He tells me before ending it with a yawn and asking about mine. I end it quick since I stayed home l day.

"I love you, goodnight."

I shake my head and smile,.like I always do when he says that. "You're an idiot."

With that, he smiles and drifts off to sleep. And later, so so I. It seems like everytime I sleep with R, I have no trouble falling asleep. I like it.

A lot.

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