Chapter 22

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  "Dianna! I swear to cheese whiz if you don't get your ass in here!"

"Would you calm down? I was just looking."

"looking my ass!" But I can't hide the grin on my face.

Dianna and I have gotten closer since I've been here, she's currently going through my closet and telling me how 'low sense of color' I have, black, white, grey, and red are all I own. Oh well.


"So, what's with you and Red?" She asks, plopping herself next to me on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I asked, popping a grape in my mouth from the bowl in my lap.

"Are you two together?"

"No, why?" I laugh. Why would she think that? I get it, we live together, but that's it. Erm, sorta.

"I just kind of figured, with how overprotective he is towards you." She shrugged.

Overprotective? I mean. Yeah, he sorta is...

"What do you mean? What did he do?"

"You don't know?"

"Obviously not."

She looks at me confused before replying. "He told Gat he wasn't allowed to talk to you, then added 'don't even look at her' and after that he went 'better yet, don't even think about her'" she explains, making her voice go deeper when quoting R.


"I don't know, apparently Gat has a thing for you, a creepy kind of thing for you." She shivers as if that'll make the paint stick better.

I cringe and pop another grape into my mouth. "Weird. Why me?"

She shrugs and takes a grape from my bowl and puts it in her mouth. "I don't know, you kind of should've expected it, y'know? Being the love Goddess and all, guys are going to be attracted to you."

"That's the weird part. I don't use the Goddess powers because of that reason. I don't need guys fawning over me. And if I end up liking one of them I don't want them to like me back because of some power ot s them to like me. So, I wouldn't activate Aphrodite's powers." 

Aphordite is the name of the past love Goddess, I don't use her powers even though I have them now and I am the love Goddess now.

She shrugs again, "Then I don't know, maybe he just likes you."

"Eh, don't know, don't care." I laugh ending the conversation.

Not about Gat anyways.

   Turns out Dianna has a crush on a boy at school, I gave her some advice about it... although I am single and don't believe in the whole 'love' shit. But she still took it, I got to admit though. When she paranoids over 'what if he doesn't like me?' it's kind of funny. But, of course, I tell her the truth; 'If he doesn't, he's missing out.' I'm starting to kind of feel like that one friend in movies, where they tell you how great you are and if anyone denies you they're missing out on the best person ever but likes the person they're giving the advice to. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Dianna, she's cool and pretty and all, but I'm into guys more than I am girls. No shade though, girls are pretty hot, I just prefer dicks.

A lot of people in our friend group like each other. Kim likes Levi, Sky likes Kim, Jade likes Meg, Meg likes Jade, Jade drools over Gat, R, and any other guy that has abs. Zander likes Kim and Sarah. Kim also likes R, along with Jade, Aspen, and Sarah. R is the real M.V.P, he's got Kim, Jade, Aspen, and Sarah wrapped around his fingers. They still hint at hoe they shagged him. Which only tests me. I was one more word away from ripping Kim's throat out last week for mentioning it. Turns out, she's only had one go with him. Meaning little ol me got to use the 'You mustve sucked in bed' line - which pissed her off. All of them hate me. R hardly says one word to them but boy do me and him have deep conversations. They don't like me because, well, I have R. I dont really like that term but it's the best I've got. Sure. We aren't exactly together, I dont know what we are. I've avoiding asking the question- tension and drama isn't my thing.

Dalton, Luke, Cole, Gat, and Lucas are all loners. They keep to themselves. So do I. I don't talk to anyone much. So far I've almost gotten into a fight with Luke, Gat, Kim, and Sarah. Z held me back most of the time, if he wasn't there R held me back. Sarah ran, but the rest stood there smirking while I tried lashing out at them. I've broken Gat's nose and Zanders arm already, Gat wouldn't leave me alone and Zander was trying to pick a fight, I shut him up real quick. I've gotten the nicknames 'badass', 'don't fuck with her', and 'gang leader'. Luke thinks I'm in a gang.

And new news; I think I might like R... 

It's strange. He makes me smile a lot, even for stupid reasons. He is adorable but only shows that side when it's him and I alone. When we're around everyone, he is harsh and stone cold. It makes me smile, knowing that he's comfortable enough to show me that side, and only me. I like his smile and his dimples. I like how tall he is compared to me. I like his cuddles and how warm he is. I like his voice and how deep it is. I like when he's possessive. I like when he gets high and laughs at random times. I like his laugh. I like the feeling of being next to him. I think I like him.

But I don't want to. I don't want to like him. It's not right. I'm meant to die alone. I think it's just my brain fucking with me. Maybe I'm so single it's tricking me to think I like him. I think that's it.

Jeez, I've gotten myself some sort of diary planned out in my head. Ugh, I sound like an 11 year old girl.

"What are you thinking about?"



I blink acouple of times, getting snapped out of my lost thoughts by Meg.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?"

I tell Meg everything.


"You are." She says matter-of-factly, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"How'd you know?"

"You always have this slight smile and you look like you're completely lost in thought, and your eyes- I don't know- kind of, light up."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow, not buying it at all. That's only in cliche movies or books.


I run my fingers through my hair and flop on my bed. "What's wrong with me?"

"You like him." She says it simple and shrugs, going back to strumming and tunning her guitar.

My mind drifted back to the files and boxes I'd found two days ago. I hadnt read them. But i wondered if I had read them would my perspective on R change?

"I do not." I do not know.

"Keep telling yourself that."

I don't....know.

It's impossible. I think.

This will not be turned into some cliche love story! I refuse! 

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