Chapter 13

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   I groaned, my arms far too tired to push myself off the mats.

"Why did you try to jump on me!?" R sighed, throwing his hands in the air. He took my arm in his hand and lifted me off the mat as if I weighed nothing.

"Surprise attack?" It was more of a question then an answer. In reality, I had no other idea on how to take him down. He dodged everything and i didnt have powers. Yet. I didn't have powers yet...that still felt unreal.

He sighed, ran his hand down his face.

In one swift movement his fist came flying my way- I dunked in time. Legs swept under me knocking me to my ass. I didn't have time to make a move before a weighed played on top of me, pinning my hands to the side of my face.

R hovered above me. He was fast. Really fast. I had seen kids run down the halls in a blur but R- I'd doubt you'd even see the blur.


"W-what?" I questioned. The close four inch proximity had me confused and dazed. Something about him pulled me closer and closer to him - making me comfortable around him. It was strange of me to have been so comfortable around anybody - much less sleep next to that person. But something about him made me feel like an invisible rope reeled me in..

"What would you do if someone put you in this position?" He spoke. He was serious. Dead serious.

"I'd break their nose."

He gripped my wrists tighter. Not enough to hurt me, but he added pressure. He raised an eyebrow. If someone had my hands I couldn't break their nose.

"I mean before they got me like this," i mentally rolled my eyes.

Shadows crossed over his face. He looked more dark and dangerous that way. A few strains of dark hair fell, hanging losly.

"You didn't do that go me."

"You're faster than anyone in the whole world! I would've broken anyone elses nose in an instance!"

He pressed his body farther, proving he had the upper hand, he had me trapped. "Escape. I could be doing whatever i wanted right now- and youd be helpless."

I made a move to knee him where the sun didnt shine. But of course, he was faster. He moved his legs in-between my own, blocked me from kneeing him completely. If he weren't putting 'people could do this to you. And you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. They could have their way with you.' thought into my head this would be an intimate moment. But it wasn't. This was a 'learn to fight back, starting with the strongest of them all' moment.

I sighed, dropped my head on the mat. I couldn't do anything. He was right. He could squeeze my wrist and they'd snap in half. I roamed my brain for options.

"Nev," he spoke impatiently.

"I'm thinking!" I snapped back, glaring at him.

"You wont have time to think when someone does this for real! What's got you thinking so long!?" His angered sigh fanned my face from the closeness.

And like a light bulb. I had an idea.

"Let's see, if a guy looking like a Greek fucking God is over here on top of me- very, very close, might I add- I might be a little distracted!" I kept the act going, not exactly lying.

He didnt say anything for a moment, just stared at me. His eyes didn't roam like most guys. They stayed on my eyes, searching, taking in.

Mine stayed on his. And for a moment I seen something in those black sky eyes I didn't see before. But it was washed away by the large wave of emotionless.

We were still four inches apart. But I had lifted my head bringing us only two inches. He followed suit, his body relaxed as his head lowered to mine. When wr were centimeters apart and his eyes dropped i flipped us over - using his relax to an advantage.

I quickly got up to my feet as he glared daggers from the floor. "Not funny."

I grinned. "Really? Because I thought it was hilarious!" I began laughing my ass off at his glaring face.

He raised an eyebrow challengingly. Before he could get up i knew his intentions and took off running out of the gym.

I ran as fast as i could down the halls, dodging students and backpacks. There weren't much kids since classes were over, just the late night studiers or roamers. I heard his feet running after me from a few feet behind. My laughs rang through the halls all the way to the elevator, closing it on him. I didn't miss his grin, he was actually having fun!

When the elevator reached the fourth floor I quickly made it to our dorm before me had it up the stairs (if he wasn't waiting for the elevator to come back down) the click of the lock on the door reassured my safety.

I leaned against it, catching my breath in large gulps of air.

"Argh!" I screamed, arms in circling my waist from behind. I was making my way to the bed to grab a water.

I was swiftly thrown on my bed before the same heavy weight laid on top of me. Hands grabbed my rips and tickled me.

"No! Stop!" I screamed through laughs. Shoving the culprits hands away.

"Say sorry!" R spoke. I would've liked at him if my eyes weren't shut from laughing so hard.

He stopped to let me say my sorry.

"Im sorry I made you get your hopes up on kissing me so that I could beat your ass and escape your death trap."

"Wrong answer," more tickling hit my stomach, my rips, and anywhere else I was ticklish at.

"Okay! Okay!" Oxygen had fully ran from my lunges and i couldn't take it any longer. "I'm sorry!" I laughed finally.

Rs grin went a warm feeling in my chest. His dimples were on full display. He wad happy, actually, happy.

His arm stayed wrapped around my waist but he laid down beside me.

"Hey, R?"


"I dont know," I began. "I don't know what we are. If we're friends or not. Or more. But there's this pull I have towards you that I don't know if I'm okay with. I don't exactly like it. Im comfortable around you. Easily. Really easily. And i dont understand how..."

He played with my fingers. Bobbing them up and down on my stomach. "Me neither," he whispered- I don't think he meant for me to hear him. "If you're worried things will go too fast too soon. It won't. I can pace myself."

I wanted to ask why he used the cliche relationship line. We weren't together. And i didnt exactly want to be with him. I didnt want things going fast. It had already gone fast. I've known him for three weeks and look at us. We're sitting in my bed like soulmates. That might be a normal pace for some people. But for me, trusting and being comfortable with someone doesn't come that fast.

And it scared me.

It scared me a lot.

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