Chapter 19

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Since the kiss- I don't know how to put it- we've gotten closer as if lip-locking made some sort of connection that wasn't there before.

The front door opens and closes and stumbling footsteps come down the hallway, small thuds hit the wall, but I ignore them.

I slid my shoes on and pull my hoodie over my head, then pulling my hair from under it and putting that in a ponytail.

R's door opens and there isn't any noise for a moment, then the stumbling footsteps come closer to my door. I'm not worried, it's R. Werewolf thing; his scent. Along with the cringe-worthy smell of weed.

The guest door opens- my door- and I keep my back facing it, I sit on my bed and open the nightstand drawer. The bed bounces from the impact of R jumping on it.

"What are you doooin'?" He slurs the word 'doin'' and moves his body closer to my sitting one.

"'Bout to go to the mall."

He knits his eyebrows. "Why?"

When R is high, he tins to play it off like he's not- unless he's really high, then it's painfully obvious. And right now, he's swaying back and forth- even though he's sitting-, he laughs- which sounds more of a giggle- out of nowhere and is playing with the ends of my hair.

"I have to buy a new bra and jeans," I say every word slow, so he understands what I'm actually saying. If not, he won't understand one word out of it.

He looks up at me, his eyebrows knitted together again. "I can be your jeans, don't leave me."

"I don't want to, but I have to."

"No, you don't." He shakes his head wildly and pulls my legs up, from dangling off my bed and pulls them to his chest, hugging them tightly.

"I can be your jeans." He's pouting.

Awww he's pouting!

Imagine a 6 2', muscular, dude, lookin' like a badass and will beat the shit out of anyone, hugging your legs and pouting while saying 'don't leave me.' I don't know about you, but I think it's fuckin' adorable.

I laugh at him and try to move his arms off of my legs, but he doesn't even budge.

"I have to buy a bra too, R."

Now, instead of a pout, he has a smug smile on his face, yet, it looks so innocent right now.

"I can be your bra." And he tackles me, making me fully fall on the bed and hugs me tightly, moving his head to rest on my chest- well, boobs, really- and cuddles me.

I sigh and pat his head. "I'll be right back, okay? I just have to buy a bra and jeans, kay?"

He pouts again and his shoulders slump. "But, you'll leave me."

"Only for an hour or so, plus you need to sleep."

When he's high, he passes out easily.

"But I want to be awake when you get back, and we can talk and cuddle."

"Okay, we can do that when I get back. But I have to go today or I'll forget tomorrow."

He nods and reluctantly untangles his arms from my torso and sits up.

I sit up and kiss his cheek, he smiles like a kid on Christmas.

I grab my money from the nightstand and he pouts again. "What?"

"I can buy you them."

"So can I."

"But I want to."

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