Chapter 27

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     I didnt know how to tell R. To tell him what I'd found. To tell him what I'd been trying to find and what he had thought I would never find; I found. It had been eating me up for weeks. And those past weeks uve visited the library more and more. Up until I ran out of files to read. And now, I needed to tell him.

How R had become king. How he had came to realise his hybrid powers. Because we both were clueless at one point, hell, everyone thought all the hybrids were dead. Until him. But he didnt have the power hold like I did- he had told ms that. He didnt have someone like I do, him, teaching me how to control my powers.

And I suppose this was the best time to let him know I knew.

   "Ugh!" R managed to cough out, sliding from the wall.

I gasped, not from him. But because the black smoke that flowed from my hands, retreating from his body on the floor back into the palms of my hands. Disappearing like it had never happened.

I had managed to throw R across the training room. He only came to a stop when his back slammed into the wall.

We had been practicing on my powers. But nothing had worked to let them really come out. Only bits of powers. Like when I dodged Rs punch too fast and super speed kicked in and I ended up sliding across the floor. I've gotten the hang of it now...sorta.

I was told not to use my abilities, the power ones, like the smoke, at all costs unless I was training with him. Since it was still knew to me I needed to get the hang of it in case I lost if and killed someone.

But now, I had only injured someone.

Right, R.

I quickly ran over to him. My hands gripped his arms worriedly. He winced, "too tight,  Nevvy."

"Fuck, sorry." When my emotions, like worry, got the best of me it was hard to keep focus on not using the super strength. I pulled my hands away as if he were on fire. Now I really felt hopeless.

Rs face was squashed up in a displeasing way, he was hurting. He propped up on one elbow but his shoulders slumped. I wanted to push him down and make him rest and lay down. But I was afraid I'd hurt him.

He noticed.

Slowly he took one of my hands and gently placed it on his side.  His face immediately straightened out with a relieving sigh.

"Did I heal!?" I had been working on healing too.

He grinned and laid down on the floor, keeping-now, both- of my hands on his chest and ribs. "No. Just you makes it feel better."

Although my excitement left, my grin stayed.

    "I'll be fine, give it some time. My spine and ribs his hard against the shelf." The shelves were metal.

"I don't wanna hurt you." I mumbled.

I didnt even mean to do it in the first place. I had been working in extracting the smoke, then got excited and it all came out too fast.

"I can take it, Nevvy. That's why I'm here. So you dont lash out on someone who cant."

Then I remembered.

"I know,"


I shook my head, staring at my hands. "No. I know. I know all of it. All of what you thought I'd never know, I know."

He didn't say anything for a moment so I continued.

"I know how you became king, how the elder found you, found out about you- a new hybrid -I know how you found out about you. I know your real name."

He was still quite.

"I'm sorry."

I wasnt sorry for finding it, not fully, anyways. I told him I would and he let me. Even if he disnt think I would ever find it. I was sorry for what i had found.

"It was years ago." But he sounded distant.


He tipped my chin to look at him- I had been looking at my hands the whole time. His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb ran across my cheekbone so lovingly I almost melted right there.

"You wont run, will you?" It was so quite, so soft, so broken.

"No, never." And I meant it. "You didnt know, R."

He nodded. "Yes, but still."

"Is that why you didnt want me to know? You thought I'd leave?" I mumbled, pushing my hand against his own.

"Yes. I thought you'd be scared, maybe. See me differently."

I shook my head. "No. Still the same R."

He smiled. Then confusion set it and he sat up.

"Howd you find out?"

I shrugged. "A book in the library, pull it out it's a secret door. A box of files 'N all."

"By law I couldn't destroy every copy. One had to remain. And only did. But I didnt think it was hidden soSo sloppily.  You found it on your own?" He questioned. His eyebrows creased. Something about the way he asked made me feel like it wasnt just a casual question,  he needed to know.

"Yeah," I answered in a duh tone. I wanted to roll my eyes. I wouldn't ask anyone to help me find something about R he tried hiding fro. The world. I don't even talk to people! I wouldn't even ask Z to help.

"Positive?" He questioned again.

"Yes! R you think I'd really blab my mouth like that?" Should I be offended?

He shook his head, pushed his resting elbows off the cold floor and fully sat up now. "No," he paused for a moment.

"Why is this so serious? Does someone else know where they're at?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head. "No, they shouldnt anyways. It's a book you pull-" he paused, like he was thinking. I had to snap my fingers for him to snap out of it and continue.  "I'm hoping it wasnt as easy for someone else as it was for you is all. I don't need anybody but you knowing that part of me."

That was understandable.

"You promise?" He grinned. As if now he was picking fun of me- or himself for his continued questions to see if I was sure nobody showed me.

Something felt off but I didnt sweat it. R was probably gonna move the files now. And if someone did find them before me we would've known; people dont keep their mouth shuts now adays.

"Ugh. I promise!" I shoved him back to the floor  and stood. "C'mon 'N help me practice. I need to get this smoke thing in control before I knock your ass into another wall."

He grinned and stood aswell.

"Kepp talking all bossy and wearing those tight leggings and I'll knock your cute little ass onto a bed."

I flipped him off as I began walking back to the Matt's we practice on. Purposely swaying my hips as I did, just right.

He noticed and laughed. "I'm serious!"

"So am I. That dent in the wall is about to have a new friend if you keep thinking you're gonna get a slice of this cute little ass."

He laughed again.

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