Chapter 3

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"Oh...well, you see," Elder- what R had called him -cleared his throat. "It was a prank passed! Great job Miss Knight! As for you, Mr. Blackthorn I thank you for your participation."

I stared at the dark haired man, he had a single strip of white that lined the side of his short cut, shaven of course, head. Him and R almost had the same hair cut, only Elders was shorter and suited for an older, mid thirties man. While Rs sat messily yet styled atop of his head, giving the latest trending male hair cut fit for our age of teens.

"Right," I eye the women once more, she sat in the deep red colored chair across from Elders desk, still cuffed and very much pale. "I'm not buyin' it. Tell me, Dipshit- thats your nickname imma give you." I said matter-of-factly, propping my feet on his dark wooden desk. "What the fuck is goin' on?"

Elder rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly. "I didn't think you'd buy that..." Elder was the head of the campus, like the principal. R leaned against the wall, beside his desk. I stood Infront of his desk.

Elder only stood, staring at his few files laid upon the desk and pencils lazily placed beside them. Maybe he didn't know what to say...

"An angel, yes. Goddess, sorta." R spoke now, his voice monotone once more. "You are here to help you with your powers and such - you'll fully understand them with no problem after defeating the God chosen for you, that's when your Goddess blood activates- that's the best word I can think of for it." Well. That was easy enough!

But still, there were gaps. Large gaps. "Powers? What the fuck is this Sky High?"

Elder sighed. Sitting in his black leather chair. But R contuined. "What's Sky High?" But shook his head, determining it didn't matter he spoke again. "Sorta. You've had your powers cut off. But after Elder gives you the serum again you'd be able to access them. With training of course, here at the Academy you'll learn everything there is to know about our kind and more than one ways to deal with your powers. However, the perk here is you'd already know how to access and use them. Your Goddess blood helps control them, gives you the knowledge of knowing how to use them." He spoke simply but knowingly. As if hes known this for years.

"You seem like you know alot about this subject. Care to explain how?" I questioned him, a small smirk pulled at my lips as I gazed at him, head tilted.

He didnt shift. He didnt flinch. He didnt blink. He stared back, the same emotionless face he held before; a mask covering whatever emotion was left. "Because I'm a God and a demon."

I'd call him Kanye West if I hadn't heard his explanation before.

Intrigued I took my feet off the desk, the pencils rolled. Leaning my elbows against my knees I faced him. "What God?"

Although he had his his emotion really well, I'm good with seeing people's emotions. He made a slip up; hesitation.

He hesitated before speaking, eyes darted to Elder then myself so fast I barley seen it. But he answered nonetheless. "Death."

It didn't surprise me he had been the God of Death, he sure as hell wasn't the God of spring! But still, his lack of explanation bothered me, so I filled it in.

"Hades, you mean." I began, leaned back in the chair. "God of the dead (so, Death, I guess), riches, and The Underworld."

He simply nodded, taking a moment before speaking. "I prefer Death, rather than Hades."

I nodded. "Well. If he's anything like Satan you sure as hell got the looks. Pun intended." I had no problem speaking my mind. Even if that consisted of giving this idiot a confidence boost. I change topic, "So, where's telephone?"

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