Chapter 31

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   I dropped on the floor hard, not able to catch myself at all. I groaned, it was not carpet.

A few gasps and jump scare screams reached my ears. Followed with.

"Nev!?!" A quick breeze hit the aide of my body, before arms engulfed my body. I smiled to myself, eyes closed, R.


"Holy shit!"

Then a low growl erupted from his chest. I was confused, but was still in a 'after-passing out-faze' so words didn't leave my lips just yet.

I was lifted with ease by the overprotective King and taken to - well, I don't know.

   "R?" I mumbled, blinking again and again. Until my eyes managed to open and see the wonderful view.

R stared down at me. "Sh, imma take you to the doctors, okay?"

"Can't I heal now?" I remembered R saying something about being able to heal. I didn't know, my mind was fuzzy.

"You can, but after-battle injuries need to be checked out before healing. Just in case measures."

I nodded and leaned my head against his chest. He didnt have to strain to lift me, even with all the armor....wait, clothes. Clothes? The armor had disappeared, leaving me in the same clothes i had on before I disappeared.

I was sat on a doctor's bed, R standing beside me. A doctor came through the doors of the white room and stood on the other side of me. R went emotionless again.

"How long was she gone, Red?" He questioned, clicking his black pen.

"Two hours." He replied, monotone. Although he remained emotionless, I could still tell he was worried. Apart of me was happy I could tell without him saying it.

The doctor wrote it down on a clipboard. "Alright," The doctor checked for any broken bones or anything needing medical attention first, before healing. Apparently the arena prevents any serious injuries, but it doesn't hurt to check.

Once he said I was in the clear he left, allowing R to teach me.

He didnt.

He sighed and sat on the bed beside me. My legs dangled. His didn't.

"Did I do something?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I began over thinking. Trying to remember the fuzzy memories of what had happened before I disappeared, what I'd said and done. But it came out with missing pieces. I couldn't get the whole picture there. "...What'd I do?"

"You could've died, mi amor."

"I know but, I didn't really pick to be there, yknow? And, and I didn't..."

He didnt say anything just yet, only wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, burring his face in my neck. I hugged him back, just as tight and buried my own face into his shirt. I loved hugging R. But this time something was different. It always felt good to hug him. His smell, his tight hold, like I'd disappear, the warmth that spreads like wildfire. But now, it felt...It felt right. Like puzzle peices.

"I -" he took a breath, as if saying it out loud choked him up. "I just, I couldn't even think to lose you."

My heart melted from his words. I couldnt possibly imagine lossing him either. At all. My heart drops at the thought. I hadn't realized just by the thought, my hands clutched the fabric of his shirt.

"I couldn't think to lose you either, Ace."


I nodded, a smile involuntary pulled at my lips. God, what's he doing to me!?

"Ace; the Trump card of cards. You, the Trump card of guys. Nobody can top you..."

I felt his smile against my head before he laid a kiss on it. "Damn right."

"Mi amor?" I questioned his words from before.

I felt him nod. "My love."

My love...his love?

"...Your love?"

"My one and only."

I smiled against his chest, buried my face deeper. "It was you, yknow."


"That kept me alive. It was you. I thought that if id die I wouldn't be able to talk to you again, see you, laugh with you, joke around with you, be with're what made me not give up. You're what kept me alive. What keeps me alive."

My mind spun when he didnt reply. Maybe he thought I was crazy!? Clingy!? Oh God, I fucked up my chances, huh? Good going, Nev. You fucked it up. Prepare to be six feet under.

"You're the only reason I'm alive too, Mi amor..."

I lifted my head for the first time since I laid it on his chest. "Really? Or are you just saying that cause i said it and now you feel bad?"

His lips tugged upwards, his dimples showing. "I mean it, Nevvy. You're the only reason I'm still alive and breathing."

I smiled in the inside. My heart fluttered with my stomach in an unspoken harmony.

He kissed my lips, lovingly. What a weird feeling...

"Now, let's teach you how to heal."

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