Chapter 12

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  By the time ot out of the shower R was gone, probably with friends. Instead of doing nothing I decide to go over to Z's dorm. It was a weekend anyways.

When I got there I didnt bother knocking and headed right in.

"Hey, hoe," he said throwing a piece of popcorn at me ones I sat beside him on his bed after shoving off my shoes.

"Hey, me man." I replied, taking a piece of popcorn from his bowl and popping it in my mouth. 'Me man' is a nickname I gave Z, everyone picked up the nickname I gave him and started calling him Z. So I had to come up with a new one. R seemed to hate- I'll have to ask about that too.

"Whatcha watching?"

"Stranger Things."

I never got into Stranger Things, but I heard it's great. I watched the first four episodes then got too busy with school, after a while, I kind of forgot about it.

"Its almost over." I pointed out.

"Yeah, I know."

  Once the episode finishes, which is the end of the season we sat in silence. I moved so my head was leaning against his shoulder. It's comfortable.

"What do you want to do?" He asked, boredom lacing his voice.

"Don't know, you?"

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked you."

"Fair enough" I sighed.

Z and I have gotten super close- best friends. He's helped me get through some shit, and I've helped him get through some shit. With him and I its only been friend ship. Well, we did kiss once...Or twice...In my defense the second one was a dare and the first was a moment kinda thing.

"So, hows life?" 


"How so?" I asked him, he shrugged, "Just does."

I nod in understanding, life does suck.

"I gotta go to bed, I have work tomorrow." He says, glancing at his phone, reading 11:57 am.

I nodded and got up, "Goodnight, me man-" and kissed him on his cheek. I've always kissed him on his cheek.

He smiles and kisses my cheek, "Night, Nevvy."

"You can sleep here if you'd like." He added, pulling the sheets closer to himself.

I shook my head, "It's cool. Besides, R's throw a tantrum if I slept over, he doesnt like you and you know that."

He grinned, "Only more reason to stay."

I rolled my eyes. "Yup, you have a death wish."

He sayed his goodnight and I left, locking the door behind me. I usually use my motorcycle, but I didn't feel like it today

  Once I got to R and Is dorm I immediately felt off.

"Hey," says a voice, I screamed and jumped two feet in the air, I'm sure.

"What the fuck are you doing!?!" I yelled, turning around to see one of the guys.

"Whoa, whoa. Chill, I cam to properly introduce myself." The guy has short, messy dirty blond hair and brown eyes and looked to be maybe 5 4' or 5 5'.

"My name is Luke." he extended his hand but I ignored it. He didnt give off the 'good' vibes.

"Nev." I know I'm not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but you know that feeling when you just feel uncomfortable around a person, that's what I'm feeling right now.

"R?" I call out, hoping he was here so I'm not alone with him.

"He's not here."

"Oh, okay..."

I grab a water bottle out of the mini icebox plugged in in-between R and Is beds. R had bought it for our movie nights...I unknowingly smiled at the thought.

"Okay, you introduced yourself, now can you leave?"

I know it's rude, but come on. This dude is in the dorm I am staying at, with nobody home, just to tell me who he is.

He nodded, slowly roamed his way out of the dorm, glancing at me from my bare legs and overly large hoodie. I was glad I was wearing R's hoodie, he had insisted that when he isnt here I wore his hoodies- said they made everyone know I'm his. And I didn't complain, he smelt amazing. And I didn't mind when he acted possessive- I liked it, a door shut and I shook out my arms and legs as if doing that will make the creepy chill up my spine leave.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed R's number, he left it on the icebox in case I needed to call.

After two rings he answers, "Hello?" His voice sounded muffled and its obvious other people are in the room.

"Can we start locking the door?"

His voice sounded more alert now, "Why? What happened?"

"I don't really know, I got home 'cause I went to Z's and some guy was in here." I sat on his bed, tucking one leg under the other.

"What. Guy. Nev." Now, he sounded very alert and worried, it also sounds like he's rattling keys around.

"What are you doing?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Coming over there."

"What? No, I'm fine. You can stay where you are and do whatever you're doing."

"No. What was the guy's name?"

"Luke I think, why?"

He sighed into the phone and I heard other people talking around him.

"He is in Brandon's group. Look, just stay clear of him, okay? Don't be around him unless someone else is with you."

Brandon has a group of friends all supernatural aswell. Sarah was in that group and a few others. That's why they don't hang out with us as much - they're not here. What I've seen Brandon and R do not get along well.

"Why? I can take care of myself, Y'know."

"You didn't answer my question, stay clear of him, okay?"

I sighed, annoyed that he won't tell me shit, "Fine."

"Good. I'm on my way." With that, he hung up before I got the chance to protest.

I shook my head in annoyance.

    When R had gotten back - five minutes later -i was already laying in bed, tired.

He had brushed his teeth and instead of climbing in his own bed he climbed into mine, wrapping his strong, warm arms around my wait from behind and burried his head in my neck.

"I'm sorry, I shouldve been here or locked the door." He mumbled.

A soft smile had spread across my lips. It was strange how sweet R was to me and how cold he was to everyone else.

"It's okay, really -" I turned and faced him. "I didn't have my keys anyways. I would've ended up staying the night at Z's. Which, y'know I'm okay with 'N all."

He glared, playfully, pulling me closer to him. "No, no, no." But then he hesitated. "I rather you stay with Z than be uncomfortable around Luke and have him sneak around the dorm...Did you check your underwear drawer by any chance?"

I frowned. I had heard of creeps jacking underwear, but never thought of it till he said something about it. I shook my head. "I don't think he's that creepy."

R didn't look convinced, but he didn't say anything on the subject. "You, you should just stay with me 27/7."

I laughed a bit, shaking my head. "You have a life, y'know. And besides -" I yawned and laid against his chest. Hes so warm! And always smelt amazing! "I can take care of myself."

He kissed my forehead. "I know, Nevvy."

"Goodnight, R."

"Goodnight, Nevvy."

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