Chapter 32

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Do not call Red R!!! Only Nev and myself can, thank you.

A small sound escapes my lips. One that sounds like a squeak and a high pitched 'huh?'

"Where is he? You have one last chance, angel." The man says, smiling sadistically and brushing a strain of lose hair behind my ear, his hand lingering over my cheek longer than needed and brushing his thumb over my cheekbone.

His other hand holds a place around my neck, keeping me pinned to the wall, every once and a while he'd tighten his grip if I answer an answer he doesn't like.

And then there is me, my hands are wrapped around his, tightly wrapped around my neck. He had somehow managed to come into the house while I was in the middle of making tea, wearing no pants and a hoodie that reaches mid-thigh- R's hoodie. I've become more comfortable around him and don't mind him seeing me like this, he doesn't care and doesn't try anything- which he's never done, he's never tried anything with me nor asked anything ( including asking me out ).

The man had simply put me in this position, of course, after I punched him in the face and kneed him in the dick. He continually asks about R, where he is, specifically.

I was still learning the hang of my new found powers. I was able to levitate a pencil- which was good since it had only been a day since the whole God killing ordeal.

"I. Don't. Know. You dumbass."

That was a bad move when he tightened his grip for at least a minute, cutting off my breathing. But I don't care. I know by now my eyes are probably red, filled with anger and the urge to rip out his throat.

"You, darling-" He moves his free hand just above my knee, slowly moving it upwards and to mid-thigh, the cold, shivering feeling replaces the warmth. "-Tell me where your little boyfriend is... Or he won't like what I do next."

When he squeezes his hand around my neck I let out a small whimper and shove my head to the side, he looks pleased with himself.

"Just kidding." I laugh and knee him in his dick again, causing him to lose his grip on my neck. I take that advantage and punch him in his nose before shoving him to the floor and kicking him in his ribs.

But of course, fate is never on my side and he somehow managed to get up lightning quick and grab my waist, pushing me to the ground and straddling over me, his hand moving back to my neck.

It might be a wrong time to study his features but that's what I do out of habit. He has light brown hair with a few honey high lights, all pushed up to a quiff. He is one of those attractive guys that would have guys and girls falling at his feet. He has tan skin, broad shoulders, clear skin, around six foot, and obviously strong. He is attractive.

And even in this situation, seeing the creep, R makes his way into my head, swarming my thoughts and blocking out any thought of the man. Even in my thoughts he's possessive! Over here making me lose thought of a guy and shit.

"Oh my God, Nev!"


"Get out or you're ass is next." The man sneers towards Z, who is casually leaning against the couch armrest.

"I don't do butt stuff. But she might like it." He shrugs. I know he's joking around, but this is not the time for that!

The man lets out a low growl and his eyes slowly change from light brown to a dark gold/yellow color. Before he can even stand up to land a hit on Z; Z beat him to it, slamming his right hand into his nose and earning a crack and groan. And in an instant, the man glares coldly at Z and me before vanishing from the living room.

"Who the hell was that?" Z asks, helping me up from the floor.

"I don't fucking know!"

Instead of answering he grabs the side of my neck gently and pushes my head to the side, carefully examining the- what I assume- red handprints around it.

He frowns.

"Nev! Nev!"


R and Z... They don't get along.

Z doesn't like him because R and I act like a couple and he thinks he's going to hurt me- do to his player ways. Not to mention Z calls him a fuck boy.

The voice stops and so does R, right in his tracks, staring at Z and I. Z having my head tilted and close to me, so he can see the marks. If I weren't in the position and knew what had just happened, I'd think we were having a 'moment'. You know those couple-y positions when they're about to kiss in movies, yeah, that's it.

R's eyes dart from my eyes to Z, to his hand, all the way to my pant-less self. I've known R long enough to know when he's mad. His jaw clenches, he clenches his fist, his breathing gets heavy and hard, and he makes a low growling noise. But if he really wants to hurt you, if he is really pissed off to the point of not stopping him; he laughs. A laugh that can ring in someone's head for years on end.

I clear my throat and tear my gaze from his clenched fists and heavy breathing- his shoulders moving up and down rapidly.

"What are you doing? She's mine. Not yours."

"Hey, hey, we're just friends, R." I move away from Z, who is glaring at R.

I know what it looks like. But no. Z does not like me. At all. We are friends and that's it. I know when you hear or read that in those cliche books but the guy actually likes her and is hiding it. I'm serious. Just. Friends. Plus, he has a girlfriend and I have... R?

I summed R up on everything after Z left- which wasn't that long after R got here. If I were to say he was pissed, that'd be an understatement.

After breaking Lucy's- the hoe- nose I had ignored R for three days, it was hilarious! R is the type of person that doesn't want to be rude, on the bright side, he completely ignored her when she was on his lap. But I don't play like that, he should've kicked the hoe off him! It was funny though because the next day I got glares from her, but she wouldn't do anything to push me, she's scared. R was a mess! He ignored every single girl who talked to him, he couldn't sleep, he tried to buy me things so I'd stop ignoring him, he asked Z, Levi, Dianna, and Meg to talk to me and try to get me to stop ignoring him. He spammed my phone and everything!

In the end, I forgave him and he wouldn't stop kissing me after and kept repeating 'thank you, mi amor'. I know what mi amor means, my love.

After I explained to him what happened we decided to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Even when R insisted he find the fucker and kill him. He had called elder and had him see what he could do. I, however just wanted to chill and worry about it tomorrow (when R isn't as pissed).

"Be mine." He speaks after an hour or so into the movie.

I blink a few times in his hold, wondering if I was hearing things so I look up at him, just to see his eyes locked on mine.

"What?" I ask, not quite sure if he knew exactly what he is asking.

Not just to be his, but to be his girlfriend, to be Queen. The Queen.

"Be mine. I want you to be my girlfriend, I want you to be my queen, I want you to be mine, officially. I don't like how these guys think they can look at you or think about you. I hate it."

This isn't exactly the 'romantic moment' considering I just got attacked, but still, the zoo in my stomach doesn't care. And the speechlessness on my tongue doesn't give a damn. I like it. I like him. I like his words. I like his touch. I like his heart. I like him.

So I kiss him, he kisses back, understanding my answer to his question.

Yes, I will be yours.

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