Chapter 20

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  I quickly jump over the couch, grab him by the shoulders and tackle him to the floor, landing on top of him.

"Ugh!" She screams her eyes slowly turning red.

"Y'know, if you wanted it rough, you could've just asked." The same guy that tackled me the first time, the one I wanted- and almost- to slit his throat, Max, remarked, getting to his feet.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slam my right fist into his nose. Blood oozes out of it and he holds it, groaning in pain and falling to his knees.

"You're not helping!" Jeffy yells, holding her head, letting out another blood-curdling scream.

"I couldn't help it!" I yell back.

"How do I fix it?!?"

She growls lowly, but whimpers after. "You already know."

I sigh, I do.

And in an instant, the front canines of her teeth stretch, showing fangs, her light brown eyes are now a piercing red.

"How can I help?" Skyler asks, stepping into the living room. Jeffy's bloodthirsty look moves to him and he takes a step back.

She uses her vampire speed and appears right next to him, so I use my werewolf speed, silently thanking that I have it and roughly push her away before pulling Skyler behind me.

Alex, now stepping forward with the same red eyes and fangs, licks his lips.

"Oh hell," I mumble under my breath.

The charge quickly and I shove Skyler to the ground before grabbing Jeff's arm, twisting it behind her back and shoving her into Alex, causing both of them to come crashing into each other.

Alex runs towards Max, so I take out the pistol from my waistband and shoot him in the leg, causing him to fall to the floor. In a flash, I grab Max by the arm and move him behind me, next to Skyler.

"Guys, calm down." I try to tell them, maybe talking it out might work.

Obviously, they can't control anything and don't listen.

They charge at me at the same time, Jeffy, again, tries to grab me, so I grab her arm again, I pull her to the other side of me and kick Alex in the chest, knocking him towards the ground before pulling Jeffy back towards me- her teeth ready to latch on to any flesh she can get- and punch her in the nose, making it instantly bloody. But, because luck is never on my side, she instantly heals.

I suppose the only option is to just let them, so I roll up both hoodie sleeves and spread out my arms and like tigers who haven't been feed for years, instantly they latch their teeth on.

I cringe and close my eyes shut, the piercing feeling on each side of my arms stings and makes me want to just yank them away, but I can't. I know if I don't do this, they'll be after Max and Skyler. And even if I can stop them, they's be starving, which altimetry will hurt them greatly.

After what feels like an eternity, my legs wobble underneath me, my head falling to the side and my breath falling short, they let go. I instantly drop to the floor, dark spots surrounding my vision. I try to blink them away, but it only makes it worse.

I hear them both mumble a 'thank you' but it comes out as whispers, and mumbles, fading out into the distance. Everything seems to fare away. The ceiling seems to be moving backward, farther away from sight, and the white, turning into black.

I feel the carpet on my back were a part of my hoodie had gotten pulled up. I feel the carpet on my legs, were my shorts expose them. But slowly, the tips of my fingers turn numb, along with my toes, even with my socks on, they seem cold. And now my knuckles, turning numb. Pieces of my hair had fallen into my face and sprawled across the floor. I make a small noise that sounds like a 'hm' but higher pitched, like a squeak, but not a squeak. I look over to my right arm, slowly- my head feels much heavier. On my forearm, which is layered onto the floor, along with my other are two red holes, maybe an inch apart from one another. And slowly, all of my vision turns into nothing, blackness, all of it. And like I thought was happening, I pass out.


"What the fuck did you do!?!"

"I-I didn't do anything. I-I, s-she. I c-couldn't help it. I-I almost got M-Max o-or Skyler, b-but she pushed them b-behind her. I-I couldn't control it..."

"You both had to do it!?! At the same fucking time!?!"

"W-we, I-I-"

"Get out."

"W-we're sorry. W-we couldn't c-control it. She p-protected them. I-It's a f-full moon. A-all day, w-we couldn't control it, R-Red, we're sorry."

"Get. Out."

I hear rustling and footsteps before I hear the door shut and a loud sigh.

I groan, but even that hurts my throat. In an instant, I feel someone kneel next to me and push my hair back, away from my face.

"I'm sorry Nevvy, I should've been here to stop this."

I shake my head no and try to open my eyes, after a couple tries I finally manage, just to see R's worried face.

He's worried.

"N-no. I-It's fine." I stumble, I try to sit up, but he stops me by putting his arm around my lower back and under my knees, halting me up and carrying me to the couch, sitting me gently on that before sitting next to me.

"R, I'm fine." Now my voice is finally catching up to my mind.

"You passed out." He points out, matter-of-factly.

"Yeah. How did I do that? I can heal."

"They bit you at the same time, your blood is different, it's a full moon. LIke with werewolves that can't control themselves yet, its the same with vampires. But the ones that can control, their thirst is more...Agonising."

I look at both my arms, healed. Wait.

"You're a vampire."


"My blood is rare."


"I can leave the house if you want if it makes it easier for you."

He shakes his head, smiling. "No, you're fine. I have ways of suppressing it."

"It wasn't your fault," I say, after a couple minutes. I don't want him to blame himself for this.

"It was Max's and Skyler's. If you didn't have to save their asses, they would've been the ones passed out."

I shake my head, with an amused smile. "No, they would've ended up dead."

"Better than you getting hurt."

I don't say anything for a moment, a chose to brush it off.

"Where were you anyway?"

"With some friends."

I nod, knowingly. He has a lot of friends of what I can tell. He seems to be a good friend too.

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