Chaper 40

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  "Imma take a shower real quick." R kisses my cheek standing from his spot on the couch next to me.


  Acouple seconds after he gets up a knock interrupts my silent, relaxing, reading.

I stand from the couch, placing my book down and answer the door.

"Oh, it's you." He cringes.

One of Rs friends. The one that hates me the most. He's so damn rude! I gave him the nickname Marshmallow, he hates it.

Marshmallow has light skin, mixed, honey eyes, hair that looks like he's been outside in the wind, and a pretty fit body.

"Hey Marshmallow! Rs in the shower so you'll have to wait."

He doesn't say anything but comes in and sits in the living room on one of the couches.

"Come right in why don't ya." I mumble, shutting the door and going back to my previous seat.

He doesn't say anything, but plays on his phone.


"Don't call me that."



"Grumpy pants?"

"You're immature."

"No, I'm just bored."

"If I were in the council when he made the choice to be with you, I'd make sure he didn't get with you."

Wow. Far off the line, buddy.

"What council? And the fuck did I do?"


"No, not nothing. What council? And why the hell don't you like me? What did I do?" I forget about my book, and focus on this ass.

"The council is when the boys have a decisions to make, we all tell him if it's good or bad decision."

"Why don't you like me? None of his other friends seem to have a problem with me but you."

"We all got a problem with you, I'm just the only one who's sayin' somethin' 'bout it."

Oh. So they all do hate me. Go figure. I didn't do anything for then to hate me. These are his friends, I'm supposed to get along with them.

"Why do you all hate me? What'd I do?"

"50 Cal-" a nickname R has because he can knock anyone out with one punch "-was different before you. We used to always go out clubbing and fuck bitches but now we dont. He's always with you. When we ask him to come with us he always goes 'Nah I'mma just chill with her'. He don't hang out with us no more, he's always with you."

I'm bit sure if I should be mad that they don't like me for something I can't help and because he referred to girls as 'bitches', or flattered that R denies to go clubbing and fucking with his friends.

"...Lemme get this straight. You all hate me because he's loyal?"

He glares at me, but it's true!

"Dude, I'm sorry that my boyfriend is loyal. And it's not my fault he chooses to hangout with me. That's his own doing. You think I force him to stay with me instead you? I think he should hangout with you all. But if he wants to spend time with his girlfriend then shouldn't you let him? If you had a girl, wouldn't you wanna be with her a lot?"

"No, because we don't have girls. We have side bitches and fuck buddies. I don't know why he chose you. He has like eighteen fine as fuck girls that would love to be with him or even have a night with him. But he chooses you."

Ouch. Self esteem.

I don't know why he chose me either. I know there are beautiful girls that would love to be with him. So why me?

"Neither do I. I dont known I've asked him. I don't get it, okay? I don't understand it. But it isn't my fault. You think I don't know that there are fine as fuck girls that wanna bang him? Or that drool over him? You don't think I already know all that? It's constantly drilled in my head. It's constantly running through my head that I can lose him because of some hot girl that wants him for a night. I get it. I know this. You're not helping my self esteem."

Fiddling with the sleeve of my sweater over and over again, more thoughts running through my head. I glance up at his face, he's quite. And for a moment he looks guilty for what he had just said, but I doubt it. It's probably just what I want to see.

To know he might feel bad for giving me a major down grade. Or having my self esteem plumbing. But I doubt it.

I sigh, mainly to myself, and pick up my book, ignoring his presence.

  My eyes scan over the words but my brain doesn't comprehend it, doesn't read it. I'm just looking at them not able to understand the words. My brain is too scattered and thoughts are too much to read.

I ignore him when he leaves, shutting the door behind him.

That was the longest shower ever is my first thought when R comes out of the bathroom, shirtless and in basketball shorts.

"Your friends hate me..."

He sits down next to me, pulling me over to his side, his arm around my back, his other around my waist.

"No they don't."

I look at him like he's stupid.

"I know you heated everything he said."

He sighs, "Well, Kage doesn't hate you."

"I guess that's good. At least your best friend likes me. I'd rather have him like me and the others hate me than have the others like me and him hate me."

He smiles and kisses my cheek.

I return the favor, but lick his cheek.

He does the same to my right cheek and I do the same back before sticking my tongue at him.

"I win."

"I win." He laughs after licking my tongue.

"Ewwwwwww" I frantically wipe my tongue on my sleeve while he laughs.

"Not like you haven't licked my tongue before."

"OI! Kissing is different!" But I laugh at myself and him before kissing his cheek.

"I larv you." He speaks after we moved in bed to sleep and cuddle.

I raise an eyebrow at him "Larv?"


"I larv you too."

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