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Taehyung plopped himself on his bed, Podo following his steps and jumping on the bed and laid across Taehyung. As he falls into his deep slumber he hears the door slam hard which immediately woke him up.

"Who does that! He's so hot but why is he a bitch!" Taehyung hears Jimin's voice echo around their place. Groaning at the disturbance of his friend, he forced himself up and made his way to the living room to be greeted by his friend.

"Okay, you look pretty fucking stupid with my sandals on," Taehyung slips out and chuckled at his friend.

"Okay, I get to the place right? There was this woman who had the audcacity to judge me! I get it, I look stupid! Are my clothes really affecting them, no! Who fucking cares if I wear sandals," Jimin paused and whined. "And the boss! My, he is so handsome. He looked at me right, because that is how eye contat works, and then he goes off on how this is not suitable."

Taehyung nods and listened to his friend.

"Jimin, could you possibly scratch my back while I listen to you?"

"Listen you, dip shit! I am trying to tell you- Fine," Jimin groaned and scratched Taehyung's back, continuing with his rant.

"Now he's taking me out to shop tommorow. It makes me feel, I don't know. It's like he's my sugar daddy! I don't need him to buy me shit."

"At least he's considerate, the man who spat his coffee just laughed," Taehyung shrugged and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I could possibly stop by the cafe tommorow? I might as well get Mr. Min a coffee as an apology."

"Alright, fine with me," Taehyung rest his head on Jimin's shoulder and turned the tv on, watching movies all night with Jimin and Podo cuddled on the couch.


"Wake up!" Jimin nudges Taehyung's arm. He groans and turns his body and hugged his pillow. "Five more minutes."

"It's already 7:45, Tae. Besides, we're going to the cafe today," with one last nudge Jimin makes his way to Taehyung's closet and grabs his uniform.

"I'll be waiting outside, hurry up!"

Taehyung yawns and rubs his eyes. Making his way to the bathroom and showered.

As Taehyung lathered his soap he hears Jimin barge into his bathroom. "What the fuck, Jimin?"

"Sorry, I gotta borrow your lip balm," Jimin spoke out loudly.


"For real though, don't you ever wonder if ghost jack off?" Taehyung questions Jimin as they walk to the cafe.

"What the fuck, Taehyung."

"I'm sorry, it consumes 90% of my thoughts. Like for instance, what if I die and I see this handsome man and I-"

"It's morning, I don't want to hear this," Jimin laughs and shoves his friend playfully. Jimin's eyes widen as he sees a car pull up in front of the cafe. Not any car, a Ferrari.

"Shit, who could that be?"

As the door opens, two men walk out the vehicle. Jimin and Taehyung gasped as all of them made eye contact with each other.


"Sandals boy!"

"Mr. Min!"

"Ass wipe?"

They all said at the same time. Mr. Jeon gave a mirthless laugh as both of them walked towards Jimin and Taehyung. Mr. Jeon shoves his hair back away from his face and smirked. "Twink and twink's friend. Good morning," he smiles.

Taehyung scoffed. "It's Taehyung. Tae- Hyung," he corrects him.

"Didn't know you two are friends," Mr. Min spoke out. "No, he's just an employee who works here. Who are you?" Jungkook questions Jimin. Jimin bows and smiles. "Hello, I am Park Jimin. The secretary of Mr. Min," he shyly said, fiddling with his earing.

"Right, you and I still have to go to the mall today."

"Can we go, I'm going to be late," Taehyung says, bewildered at the sudden occurance of the two men.

All of them enter the cafe and headed straight to a table.

"Jimin, I'm going to go," he grits his teeth and eyes Mr. Jeon, giving him a glare. Jimin smiles and nods, "Sure, I'll walk with you because I gotta order," Jimin stood up and walked beside Taehyung.

"So that's Mr. Jeon, huh?"

Taehyung nods, "That must be Mr. Min. Small world."

"They're hot!" Jimin squels and squeezes Taehyung's arms.

Taehyung's eyebrows rose and shook his head profusely. "Haha, nope. Not my type," he confesses out loud.

"Shut up. You and I should just accept that we both need pool floaties to withstand their genepool," Jimin was quivering all over with excitement.

"What are you trying to say?"

"In conclusion, they're hot!"

MR. JEON / t.kookWhere stories live. Discover now