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Jungkook sits comfortably on his desk seat, asking one of the other employees to grab him a coffee because he didn't want to disturb Taehyung who was currently working on files at the moment. He then proceeds to take off his blazer and rolling up the sleeves of his long sleeve.

Looking at the files given to him by Taehyung, he sighs at the paperwork in front of him that was laid out neatly in a stack. Eating a granola bar, he wrote some notes here and there, ensuring to contact those necessary.

He shifts and faces his desktop, checking and replying to some e-mails before glancing at the time. He proceeds to make phone calls for an hour, booking appointments for clients while sipping the coffee he had finally received.

Meanwhile, Taehyung had been running around the office back and forth. Grabbing files that Jungkook needed and heading to the printer room to retrieve the paperwork that was needed to be revised for Jungkook. Using his hands to fan himself, he makes his way back to Jungkook's office, only to be greeted by Seola that had stopped him from entering.

She stood in front of him, her expressionless face and the scent of her cherry flavored bubble gum. Twirling her hair, she examines Taehyung and gives him a questioning look. "Hmm, this is weird, Mr. Jeon would normally inform us about job interviews."

Taehyung twists his ring on his finger while chewed his bottom lip. "Oh, right. Jungkook and I are close friends which is why I was able to get this job easily," he scratches the back of his neck.

"Wow, first name basis, huh?" Seola blows a bubble and nods. She looks at the stack of files that Taehyung had set down on the counter beside him labeled "Mr. Jeon." She maintains her eye contact with Taehyung and smiles.

"I'll take this to Mr. Jeon. You can probably just like," she paused to look around. "Just let me take care of this, got it, Munchkin?" She smiles brightly before grabbing the files and leaving Taehyung alone.

Taehyung clenched his fist at the girl. The way she fluttered her eyelashes, the way she twirls her hair and that cherry flavored gum. It disgusts him. Taehyung storms out of the printer room and decides to visit Jimin who was probably in Yoongi's office.

Stepping into the elevator he presses floor ten and taps his foot, impatiently waiting for the elevator to open. 'Let me take care of this, got it, Munchkin?' Taehyung imitates her and scoffed.

Once the doors of the elevator opened he made his way to Yoongi's office, not even bothering to knock.

There they were. Jimin and Yoongi sprawled on the desk. Bare naked. Yoongi on top of Jimin while Jimin clung onto Yoongi like a koala. "What the fuck!" They all yelled in unison. Taehyung covered his eyes with his hands and left the room quickly.

The sight of Yoonmin naked had made him gag. Sighing, he had nowhere to go. Who knows what Seola and Jungkook may have bee doing during the time span of Taehyung wandering around the office, going floor to floor to waste time.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket he decides to leave the building and grab some coffee and visit 'Eat Jin's bakery that was only five minutes long from his work.


"Taehyung! Namjoon, Tae's here!" Jin yells out, startling the people who were seated and enjoying their pastries and drinks.

Ever since Taehyung had left the other bakery, he had managed to befriend Namjin, who are good friends of Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok. They were a cute couple. They almost acted as if they were the parents of the group rather than friends.

"Hey," Taehyung waves and gives them a slight smile. Jin tilts his head, quickly taking off his apron and chucking it at Namjoon who had broken a plastic cookie and was inspecting it. Jin walks towards Taehyung with a confuzzled look.

"You seem sad, what's wrong?"

Taehyung and Jin sat down, exchanging conversations. Taehyung began to complain about how challenging it is being an assistant of a CEO, especially since it's Jungkook.

"Anyways, I was sent by Jungkook to get files he needed for his meeting this weekend. As I was about to make my way back to his office this girl name Seola stops me and begins to talk to me, questioning me about how fast I was to get hired," He pauses while he takes a sip of the tea Jin had made.

"I didn't take advanced placement bitchology but I am 208% sure that she's faking her friendship with me to get her nasty ass hands on my Jungkookie!"

Jin squeals and grabs Taehyung's arms. "You like Jungkook!"

Taehyung scoffed, "Ew, don't say things like that."

Jin crossed his arms. "You called Jungkook, Jungkookie and you just said that you don't want her to touch my Jungkookie."

Taehyung looks away. Jin's tight-lipped smile made Taehyung blush. "Okay, Jungkook is my friend. I just hate it when she does that."

Jin smirked while he watched Taehyung get up and exit the bakery right away. "Namjoonie, Tae has a crush on our Jungkookie," he smiles.

Namjoon mumbles and holds up a black vibrator. Jin's eyes widened and instantly snatched it from his hand. "What the fuck, how dare you to bring that thing here!" Jin scolded his boyfriend and looked around the room. "Someone could have seen this! You idiot."

"But, I thought you were into that kinky shit?" Namjoon asked, only receiving a flick on the forehead from Jin.

MR. JEON / t.kookWhere stories live. Discover now