Part 33

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During our lunch Tlaloc made sure to destroy all of my pride in making my perfect chicken soup. Too much that, too little that, that could be changed into that and so on. Soon he got on my nerves and I couldn't take his "perfect" cookery advices.

'Okay, I get it! You are the best from the best and my cooking is shit, can you stop criticizing every detail?!' I screamed irritated as he began talking about the use of potatoes in the soup.

I looked away from Tlaloc as he chuckled at my reaction. He snaked his arms around my torso and dragged me onto his lap.

'You are so cute when you get mad' he murmured into my ear as he cuddled into my neck. I felt my cheeks go warm, but still held my angry face.

'Whatever' I huffed and ignored his another chuckle. This man was definitely a perfectionist in cookery and I knew that it will annoy me to no ends.

We sat like that for a moment when I felt a small tug in my stomach causing me to remember one crucial thing in being a woman.


Roughly counting the days I have spent here, my brain informed that I had about two days until hell. Real hell. No wonder I was so grumpy.

'Uhhh, Tlaloc?' I called him and he hummed, too happy because of our position to talk.

'Can I ask you a womanly question?' I asked him and he hummed again. His small delay made me irritated and I knew that red hell was coming for sure.

'Your cycle is ending' he deadpaned, suddenly, and I froze, feeling my face go even more red.

'H-how do you know?!' I yelped startled and Tlaloc chuckled again, this time breathing in deeply.

'Your smell is changing' he answered and I looked at him as if he just escaped from mental institution and asked me if I wanted some ice cream.

'What are you, a dog?' I squirmed as the uncomfortable pain became a bit stronger. Heck, I probably have minutes before my dying state.

Tlaloc chuckled and looked at me amused.

'What if I am?'

'Then I feel sorry for you to have to smell so many disgusting things' I replied with a serious face, but it was soon turned into a grimace as the pain increased. Yep, it's happening soon. Tlaloc noticed my uncomfort and picked me up, walking towards the spring.

'Women have made special clothes for that time, wait here' he explained and left me sitting my the pink water. Not a minute later he came back and gave me a bundle. Unfolding it, I saw that it was panties made out of leather with a very thick pad made out of cloth. Smart.

'It can be washed so there are no need to keep making new ones every new cycle' he explained, but something else bugged me.

'Uhh... why do you have them?' I asked him and looked at him, our eyes locking in place. Silence stood between us as the awkward elephant expanded throughout the room. When I thought that it can't get any more awkward, Tlaloc chuckled and the tension evaporated.

'Every man is prepared to live with a woman. It's nothing weird to see womanly possessions in unmated men's home'

I sighed in relief.

'Oh, okay. I thought for a moment that you used it for something other than blood collector'

He rose an amused brow at me, but I ignored it and pulled it up. Since I was wearing a skirt with not underwear, it was easy to put it on. Once it was on, I moved a bit and hummed in content.

'It's comfy, like a pillow' I said and grinned. Tlaloc only chuckled and lead me out of the spring.

'As for painkillers, you will have to go to the Herbalist' he said and I frowned, anger swelled in me.

'Over my dead body' I hissed and sat down on the fur bed. Tlaloc looked at me disapprovingly and then sighed.

'You have to forget what she did and just trust her'

I looked at him increaduly and then frowned even more.

'I sooner jump off the cliff as you said then let that treacherous woman go near me. I know what she did was for her own amusement' I spoke heatedly and cocooned myself into a fur.

'Lynea, she is no-' Tlaloc tried to explain, but I was having none of it.

'Why I had to go through that traumatic day, eat a tongue of the guy I knew while Allan was given a simple grass?!' I exploded and watched Tlaloc expectantly. He frowned a little.

'Every person has to consume different things in order to get The Gift' he explained walking towards me and sitting down beside me.

'Bullshit' I growled and Tlaloc chuckled, angering me even more.

'I like this side of you' he spoke and I let him pull my cocoon onto his lap again, still fuming.

'What happened to Anna?' I changed the subject in order to keep the conversation going and keeping my attention away from the pain that came full swing with the first "river".

'One of my warriors chose her to mate' he spoke and I frowned.

'I need to have a talk with her as well. We have synchronized cycles and she always cusses like crazy during them'

'While you are grumpy' he chuckled and I frowned at him, easily irritated.

'Stop frowning, you will get wrinkles' he said and brushed my frown with his thumb, erasing it.

'And you already have them'

Instead of getting insulted like most people do by my period attitude, he only chuckled and smiled at me.

'My days are brighter with you around' he spoke quietly and caressed my cheek.

Our eyes locked and I watched him lean in. His lips met mine and I gladly replied to his kiss. Burying my left arm into his rough hair, I brought him closer to me and opened my mouth, giving him the entrance. Our tongues met in fierce battle, but Tlaloc quickly won and deepened the kiss.

Before we could go any further, Tlaloc pulled away as I gulp some air. Looking at him, I saw a grown up man trying his best not to go wild with me right now and I sighed, happy with the attention I was getting.

'You are so mature' I said and leaned into him.

'And you have huge mood swings' he teased me and as if to prove his statement, my arm rose on its own and hit him across his chest, earning a chuckle from him and a annoyed growl from me.


I'm so excited about my next book. It's going to be from a completely different perspective of this "stone age" living style and will be psychologically heavy. Just finished the cover and AHHHHH! *explosion of excitement*


The young girl heaved as she looked at the dirt wall of the cliff above her. Thundering sound of hooves stopped and she quickly turned around, cornered by minotaurs. The author took a few steps back and felt her back hit the cold wall.

Suddenly, the beast group parted and a different minotaur walked out. It was clearly a leader and... oh no.... not the pink tutu....

'Eheheh... do you l-like the werewolf story without a-any werewolfs?...'

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