Part 34

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'Lynea, let's go to the Herbalist' Tlaloc's voice reached my ears. He was standing behind me, his shadow blocking any light on me.

'Ughhh....' was my reply as I was too weak to answer. My body was curled in fetus position by the wall as the pain has invited its buddies: nausea and lightheadedness.

'Lynea' Tlaloc called me once again, his voice laced in worry. It was his first time seeing me in my state caused by Mother Nature, but despite the pain, I refused to meet that evil woman. Instead, I pulled Tlaloc to me and snared his arms around me, placing his palms on my stomach. His body heat spread quickly through my body as my pain subsided, causing me to sigh.

'First day is the worst' I mumbled as Tlaloc nuzzled into my shoulder.

'It wouldn't be so bad if you would listen to me' he mumbled back and I chuckled.


A rumble vibrated my spine. Tlaloc traced my shoulder with his pointy canines, causing me to shiver.

'We talked about it already, Lynea' he growled, but I was feeling too bad to be afraid or threatened.

'Mhmm' was all I said as I closed my eyes, Tlaloc's body heat and strong embrace lulling me to sleep.


Next couple days I spent between furs, enjoying the softness of theirs and attention Tlaloc was giving me. Most of the time we would cuddle, or more accurately, I was using him as the heat source as a pain reliever. Of course, I couldn't hold him entire two days because one - it became super hot in minute's notice and two - he had leader things to do, ignoring the fact that I had no idea what his "leader things" were.

I was spending my quality time with the furs when my mind wondered to Anna. It has been more than two weeks after the kidnappings, but I hadn't seen her. I was glad that I had a chance to get things sorted out with Allan and have some of my questions answered, but I was worried about her. The last time I have seen her fainting and me spending time with Tlaloc didn't make me a better friend. Honestly, I completely forgot about her.

Standing up and leaving the furs, I decided to search for her. My guts were calm, indicating that my decision was a safe one. My eyes traveled around the room and when no one met my eyes, I remembered that Tlaloc was supposed to be back by night as he had "leader stuff" to do.

I carefully descended the stairs and looked towards the village. My stomach squeezed as I understood that I had no idea where Anna could be. My only bet to find her, apart from Tlaloc, was to ask one of the villagers. And I really didn't want to do that after the stunt women did.

Sighing heavily, I began dragging my feet towards the first tent. My brains were already working on how, people that I will have to ask, will react.

Slowly walking forward, I saw first people working around their tents. There were two men, one older than the other. The older one was making a weapon while the younger one was working with leather on the tanning rack. He was closer to me, so I walked to him.

'Um... excuse me?' I spoke, trying to get the man's attention. The man lifted his eyes towards me and our eyes met. In a second he was on his feet and I flinched when his unfriendly voice reach my ears.

'What in the Moon Goddess do you want?!'

My chest felt heavy with fear as his harsh voice was accompanied by a big scowl. Even though I prepared myself for this kind of reaction, it still startled me. After all, I with others were the first people across the sea to get here.

'I-I wanted to ask if you knew where I could find Anna, the w-woman that came with me' I managed to answer him with my throat tight as a sailor's knot. My fingers began mingling with each other, the nerves already in work.

The man pursed his lips as a growl that Tlaloc kept making, escaped his lips. My eyes went wide and my nails dug into my skin, panic hitting me. My mind was telling me to run, scolding me that this whole thing was a huge mistake, but my feet were glued to the ground.

'Listen here-' the man began speaking, his voice mixed with a growl, but he didn't finish what he wanted to say. I watched as the older man came from behind, his mass towering over both me and the young man. The young man was oblivious to the other one until a fist collided with his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. His throat was squeezed in a chokehold next and in a second, the older man turned the young one 180°, making him stand before me while the young one was choking behind him, struggling to get out.

'Hello, Luna, I'm really sorry for my son's behaviour, but rest assure, he didn't mean any of it' the older man said with a smile as his friendly face was full with annoyance. I didn't know if it was towards me or his son.

'I uh... um...' I couldn't make out a proper sentence as I was too shocked to speak. That man just punched his son in the guts.

Before I could try to speak again, the man grinned at me.

'Please, wait here for a second' he said and roughly pushed his son away from me and towards the back of the tent. I simply blinked at the man and watched his figure disappear. Not a second later their voices reached me.

'What do you think you are doing, idiot?!' The father shouted at the son, his voice super low.

'She is the outsider!' The son answered, his voice wasn't as angry though. It was clear that he was scared of his father and for a good reason.

'She is your Luna, for moon sakes. Do you know what would have happened if you did something to her?!'

'How was I supposed to know her position?'

'I don't know, maybe use your bloody nose? If you would attend pack's meetings then you would know all the news. Now go into the woods and bring some wood before I crack your skull open' the man growled out.

They both appeared and I quickly pretended to be very interested in the statues of their Gods that were standing further behind me.

'Luna' The man called me and I turned to him. He had a small smile on his face and I knew that he knew that I heard everything.

'My name is Lynea, no need to call me Luna' I replied, still weirded out by the title. The old man chuckled and stretched his arm towards his tent.

'Now I heard you were looking for Anna girl? I will tell you everything there is if you will join me and my mate for a cup of tea' he smiled at me, but I frowned back.

'Is there something I need to know about her besides where I can find her?'

I watched as the old man's smile turned into a playful grin.

'No, but my mate will stop cooking for me if I don't bring you to meet her. And trust me, I need that food' he replied and I couldn't help but chuckle.

'Okay, I will save you, Mr...?'

'Selig. It is fine to call me by my name. Now, after you Luna' he grinned at me and I smiled back at him. I think I will get along with this man quite well.


Hungry minotaurs surrounded poor woman with their axes rased. The author had nowhere to run as she was pressed against the wall of the cliff above her. The only thing she could do was to used her secret move. She breathed in deeply and then exhaled. Suddenly, a huge dark mass enveloped the author, the mist forcing minotaurs into a coughing fit. Not a minute later the smoke evaporated, leaving confused minotaurs as they stood before empty wall. The leader of the beast group walked forward, her pink tutu shimmering in the moonlight. She picked a small patch of paper and showed it to others.

 She picked a small patch of paper and showed it to others

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