Chapter 1:The Beginning

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Running through the dark streets, I relished the cool breeze stinging at my cheeks. Looking down at the small, wooden horse in my hands, a huge grin stretched across my face. He was never one to give away toys!

Picking up the pace, my heart slammed against my ribs just as hard as my shoes hit the cobbled street. Turning a corner, I was greeted by the mansion's thick wooden gates. Giants that loomed over my tininess, they formed an impregnable mountain that protected my entire family from all kinds of harm. Listening to the wind whistling against my ears, I noticed the unusual quiet paired with it.

I slowed down and craned my neck, almost stumbling over my own small feet.

"Are they all sleeping already?" 

That was weird. It was only 10 p.m. I shrugged anyway. 

Walking up the gates, a warm shudder ran up and down my spine, the tingling sensation bubbling under my skin making me giggle. It was always great to come back home!

I pushed the giant wooden portals, a slight groan escaping my lips at the elephantine weight of the doors. Calming my heavy breaths, I yelled,

"I'm home!!"

Hugging the wooden horse to my chest, I whipped my head all over the place and waited for my cousins to lunge to try and steal my best friend's wooden gift. Quietly padding up the long stone path that lead to the main house, I knit my brows together, frowning.

'Where is everybody?'

The darkness that overwhelmed the house was strange. Pursing my lips as I walked, I thought hard for what day it was. It was a Friday – a school day, so everyone was here. If it was a weekend, then only me, mom, dad, and my brother Moon would be home. I stopped for a moment, a cold realization hitting the back of my throat.

'They're not gonna jump out and surprise me, are they?

I never liked surprises. But it was already late in the night. At this time, the place should look like a museum on opening night.

With the cold wind howling behind me and rustling through my hair, a sudden feeling of frightening vulnerability slowly crept over my skin, replacing my excitement and silencing my voice as I quietly walked down the path, ignoring the chickens clucking for my attention over at the chicken coops and continued towards the main house.

Pulling unto the sliding door's knob, I stepped into the dark hallway and almost choked on my own saliva. The silence was numbing and the darkness that sat ahead of me seemed to grow thicker by the second, seemingly intent on grabbing my arms and swallowing me whole.

I called for my mother.

Nothing but the ringing silence answered back along with a rusty smell in the air.

With this kind of atmosphere, the only thing present was the continuous rising tremors in my breath. Looking up, I searched for the light switch and groaned as I grappled to reach for it. 

After a moment, the assuring 'click!' rang through my ears before the orange light flashed over a gruesome splash of red that cut across the wall I was facing.

The numbness spread through me like a fever, setting all of my senses into something that screamed at me to run out and save myself from whatever the splash of red was. It couldn't have been blood. It shouldn't be. But my nose betrayed my mind and the rancid, fresh smell of rust smashed against my brain as I turned to look ahead. 

All too quickly, I saw everything.

The hallway walls were cobwebbed with the same streaks of blood but the floor was practically soaked in it. Lying in the pools of blood were five of my eldest cousins. Or at least, that's who I think they were. I couldn't see their faces. There was too much blood gushing from ghastly wounds that made my nose wrinkle and the pool of unpleasantness rush from my gut.

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