Chapter 13: I NEVER Want To take A Written exam Ever Again

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             Everyone was silent. I for one wanted to jump out the window.

            “I congratulate all 78 that remain,” Ibiki happily said. “You pass the first test!”

   “Wait, what about the 10th question?” Sakura asked, her tone a little exasperated.

              “There’s no such thing or you could say the two questions were the 10th question.” The proctor smiled. My mouth fell and without warning, I banged my forehead on the wooden table almost breaking it into half.

“Waaah! GAKUREN!!” Naruto yelled in alarm.

            “I hate this…” I mumbled to myself. Finally, I could breathe again. I looked up at the proctor with the edge of my mouth twitching. These humans surely have a way with tests.

            “Then what were the 9 questions for?” Tamari asked.

             “As you can see, these questions are really hard. Questions I’m sure only a handful of you can answer. So, to pass, you have to cheat and get the answers. It was to see if you had skills to gather information without getting caught.” The proctor explained. “On missions, you will have to gather secret information and escape alive. In this case, you have to cheat and not be caught cheating.”

            “As cheating targets, we had two or so chuunins who knew all the answers and mixed them in with you guys.” The proctor said and in front of me one ninja turned to us with a sly smile. My mouth fell and I took a breath through my teeth.

             “You’ve got to be kidding me. You were a chuunin?!” I shouted pointedly at him and he smiled at me.

            “Hehe. Yup.” He replied, a slight worried look in his face as I lost my cool. I rolled my eyes and pouted with my arms crossed.

            I can’t believe the answers were literally right in front of me. I could’ve just sent my bugs to him and copied the answers instead of thinking so much.

To be honest, some of the questions really were hard and confusing, so I just ended up writing random things gramps said. It seems that all that studying last night wasn’t that helpful when it came to the problem solving questions. Or maybe I was just plain stupid.

I sighed. There goes my title of top 5.

  I took a deep breath and looked at Naruto. Once he saw my face, a teasing snicker escaped his lips.

 I must’ve looked really worn out. This suspense is too much for me.

           “Ha-ha! You dummy! I saw through it from the start!” Naruto yelled proudly, crossing his arms.

            “Yeah, right.” I snorted, rolling my eyes at him. He glared at me while I glared back. But since I was better at that, he backed away with his tail between his legs.

             “Of course, those that cheat poorly, fail…” the proctor said while taking off his cap. Once he took it off, I gasped to see his head covered in well… I don’t want to gross you out.

  I’ll just say his head didn’t look pretty.

             “Because…sometimes, information is more important than life. And in missions, people risk their lives to get a hold of it.” he continued.

             He could’ve told us that without showing his scars. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat later.

            “I want you to remember this-important information in your hands can be a powerful weapon for you and your comrades. So, we had you gather information by cheating.” He explained.

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