Chapter 4: Running, Running and More Running

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I didn't expect it, but we were in the shop for a long while just chatting with each other. Now and again, they would ask about my life as a non-human with the silence of a tiny mouse but I had to refuse answering all the time. We were still in a public place, after all and not everyone knew about the existence of Griffins in the village.

At the moment I was gulping down a glass of water, oblivious of the troubles of the world. But then my eyes grew wide when I saw Konohamaru running from a herd of angry looking bulls.

Not just that, he was also holding a small girl with brown hair in his arms. I gagged as I listened to people gasping in and outside the shop at the sight of the boy.

"HELP!!" Konohamaru yelled while running like a madman.

"What was that?" I heard Naruto ask. I managed to swallow the water but still gagged, trying hard to cough out the water that filled my lungs.

"Whoa, Gakuren!" Sakura shouted and rubbed my back through uncontrollable coughs, "Slow down!"  

I looked out the window teary eyed. Shoving it open, I thanked god it was big enough for me to get through.

Heart racing, I jumped right through the window, desperate to catch up to Konohamaru. Though it was a mere glance, I could see how tired he already was. And with that kid in his arms, it was only a matter of time before he finally collapses and gets stomped over by a herd of angry bulls.

Pushing the ground with my feet, I weaved through the streets, ignoring my teammates' calls from behind me. Running, I didn't see where I was going and crashed against a crowd of people.

They yelled curses as I fell to the ground. I growled and struggled to get running, ignoring the angry yells and calls of the grown-ups. Getting to my feet, I jumped up the air, escaping the people and landing on top of a houses' roof and continuing my pursuit up where I can see properly.

"KONOHAMARU!" I yelled from the roof as I ran, keeping up with the stampede.

Hearing me, the boy yelled, "GAKU!! HELP!"

Again, seeing I was running out of runway, I jumped high up the air, seeing the herd of bulls a long way behind me but much too close to Konohamaru.

Urging myself to fall faster, I landed before a bridge leading outside the village. And coming right at me was Konohamaru and the herd of superbly angry looking bulls.

Once Konohamaru saw me, his eyes brightened with relief and right when I was about to run to him and snatch them away, Konohamaru tripped on a small rock, making the small kid fly in the air. 

"GAKU!" Konohamaru yelled, pointing at the kid. In a heartbeat, I quickly ran and in a second, the girl was in my arms.

Seeing her closer now, I saw she had large, blue eyes and clear, fair skin. Her brown hair, now a mess was still held up in pigtails. I blinked at her, slightly shocked when I noticed how unafraid she was. Quickly, I looked back at Konohamaru who was still on the ground.

"GAKU!!!" Konohamaru yelled once more as the stampede got closer to him. In the blink of an eye, I was right in front of him, cradling the girl in my arms.

Since there was no time to run, I turned and hunched over Konohamaru, making a cage with my body. After a second, the bulls ran over us.

As I felt the rock hard hooves pound against my back, I gritted my teeth, feeling the red hot pain slapping against my back over and over again.

In spite of that, I held Konohamaru and the small girl under my chest, protecting their heads as I kept my eyes shut, waiting for the stampede to stop. After a while, my back started to go numb and I growled.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now