Chapter 12: Clever Tricks or Proud Fairness

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Room 301 once again loomed over our heads. I stared up at the room number and blinked countless times just to check that this truly was room 301. Surely, petty pranks against first-timers was a thing of the past now though.

My teammates were silent next to me and I had to wonder if they could also feel the tightness sizzling through the air like an invisible barrier trying to push past my chest. Trying to relax the braided muscles underneath my skin, I took a deep breath and told myself that there was nothing worry about. It's not like I've never done a test before anyway.

'What would make the Chuunin exams any different?'

For a while, I was able to fool myself into thinking that we could win the first round so easily without the problem of a few opposing ninjas breathing down our necks. Except now, there was familiar and heavy sense that a pair of broody eyes was watching our backs.

Slightly turning, my eyes fell upon a mess of thick, silver hair warped into a windblown mess.

"Sensei." I called, taking everyone's attention towards Kakashi. As usual, the man's aloofness was breathtaking. Back then it was a little annoying to see him so cool and calm but now it just gave the assurance that everything was gonna be okay. Or could be okay.

With his single eye, he gave each of us a half-lidded gaze as if staring at us for a few seconds gave him some kind of score board showing how strong each of us had gotten over the few days.

"You guys ready?" the singsong tone in his voice made me feel slightly childish. Despite the slight feeling that I was being patronized, I nodded along with my teammates, all four of us shouting a strong and confident "YES!"

Looking satisfied, a ghost of a smile slowly rose behind Kakashi's mask. There was no knowing if the smile was amused in a way that he was thinking we might not survive this, or if it was a genuinely proud and confident smile that fully believed in our inexperienced behinds.

I didn't know. I didn't care. The sudden energy in my chest pulsed like the waves of a newly awoken sea – so strong and untamed, I couldn't help but feel the smirk spread from the corner of my lips.

With Kakashi's good luck, he ushered us in with a usual close-eyed smile.

Sasuke pushed open the doors and like last time, we were greeted with the sight of all the ninjas from each village. Among them were the rookie Leaf Genin squads.

I was behind my three teammates, taking in the weird smell of forests, smoke, and grilled squid when I saw all the other ninja stare at me with absolute menace, their eyes glowing with a bloodthirsty competitiveness.

Trying not to glare back at them and make more enemies, I stubbornly turned my head away.

'Why glare at me? Naruto's the one who yelled at all of you.'

The exam hasn't even started yet, but the air was cluster of poisonous needles prickling my skin.

I tried not to make a face. It was like we were preparing for a war instead of a test. Judging by how my teammates reacted to Kakashi mentioning this test in the first place, I guess the chuunin exams were more dangerous than I gave it credit for.

Without even looking up, I knew there were tons of weirdos staring and wondering how to kill me.


All the leaf genin were currently staring at me. Some looked in confusion and started studying my clothes as if it would give an answer to my silence, while the others gazed at my face with eyes that looked for any weakness they could use against me. I on the other hand probably had a glare on my face while I was thinking.

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