Chapter 9: A Violent Reunion

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Today's excitement was still heavy over my shoulders. Getting home, I immediately brought myself to the kitchen with hands instinctively reaching for the cabinets and seeking the ingredients I needed to make a sweet and hot cup of Vanilla tea that could finally unhinge my muscles and give me a chance to get sleepy.

Stirring the warmed cream and pinching herbs over the whirling liquid, my mind wandered. Easily enough, I remembered my new enemy and the strange steel weapon wrapped around his arm.

My brows twitched for a moment, a second of annoyance prickling at my neck.

He apologized, but I have a tendency of digging more into things. With the way he said it, the trace of open challenge and hostility was unmistakable. A breath of amusement left through my nose. The chuunin exams haven't even started and I here I am making all kinds of enemies. Of course, that bastard Kankuro can't be forgotten either.

I breathed another huff of amusement. If my friends from Extail could see me now, they'd be laughing all throughout the night, talking about my inability to keep away from enemies and hold back from a fight.

After leaving the kettle to cool, I took a bath then changed into some loose pants and a sleeveless tee before tying my hair into a ponytail and clipping up my fringe.

There wasn't any kind of sound that signified their arrival but once I stepped foot into the living room, there they were, my teammates in all their glory sitting on my pillows and leisurely sipping my tea.

I didn't even bother to hide the slight jump in my skin at the sight of them.

With the usual wide grin that showed off all of his teeth, "Hey, Gakuren!!" Naruto yelled. Then, with a wider grin, "Nice fountain fringe."

I ignored his comment about my clipped bangs and tried not to take the cup away from him.

At the back of my head, I said I was going to deal with this in the calm manner that I should but instead, I found myself yelling, "How'd you get in my house?!!"

"The door into your room was wide open." Sasuke said with an annoying nonchalance in his voice as he sipped some tea. I felt the brows over my eyes twitch and my mouth open in argument but thinking about it now, I must have left the door open. Subtly glancing, I saw the door in my room- that was the entrance into the garden-was, indeed, wide open.

Unable to think of a response, I sighed at my own carelessness and crossed my arms, feeling slightly pink at the cheeks, "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, leaning on the doorway and feeling the wet tips of my hair tickle at my shoulders.

"Nothing, we just wanted to hang here." Naruto said and nonchalantly turned on the TV.

The moment the sound of a comedy show rang through my living room, my image of a quiet, tea soaked afternoon had disintegrated into ashes. A moment later, I contemplated buying a very high tech security alarm.

"Shouldn't you guys be training?" I asked with a half-lidded stare.

With the smile of a flower, Sakura said, "Later, later! We need your tea."

I stared at them, dumbfounded the moment I understood their purpose for trespassing.

"You broke into my house for some tea?"

They nodded in perfect sync. I had to resist the urge to laugh in disbelief. Shaking my head, I started towards the garden.

"Whatever. I'll be in the backyard."


The practice of controlling the elements had always been a difficult feat even for Griffins. As my master said, nature isn't something that was made to be controlled. But the elements being my best weapon, I studied hard and almost broke my back trying to control the earth. Until now, dirt was my number one bane.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now