Chapter 7: I almost Start a Barbecue Party

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Leaning on the bridge's red wooden railing with Sasuke next to me, we watched Naruto impatiently pacing back and forth, his stomps noisy to my ears. Finally, the boy growled a feral sound in his throat.

"GRAH! Where is he?!" he hissed, "It's been fifty minutes since we got here and he told us not to be late!"

"Naruto, will you shut up?!" Sakura yelled with annoyance.

It looks like she was getting impatient too. Glancing at Sasuke to see if he was getting impatient as well, I saw that he was more annoyed with his two noisy teammates than with his tardy teacher. 

I on the other hand already knew Kakashi was like this. 

Even as a kid who wanted to meet up for a simple game of tag and hide and seek, I had to wait every single time for the copy cat ninja to make an appearance. Over the years, I gave up on thinking that someday he would stop being late and got used to just patiently waiting.

After a few more minutes of listening to Naruto rant, a puff of smoke burst from the top of the bridge's wooden arch before Kakashi sensei appeared, nonchalantly squatting on the arch.

"Sorry I'm late." he said, sounding as if he were in a hazy daze, "I saw a black cat so I had to take the long way around."

My mouth twitched. He really hasn't changed after all those years. That was the most horrible lie I've ever heard.

"LIAR!" both Sakura and Naruto yelled. Unperturbed, Kakashi sensei jumped down and landed in front of us, his feet not making even the slightest of sounds.

Sighing, I asked, "Well sensei, what did you want to talk about?"

Kakashi blinked at me, for a moment looking as if he had forgotten what he came here for before saying, "Oh, I just wanted to tell you guys that the Chuunin exams are starting."

Thought he said it so unceremoniously, the atmosphere instantly swirled into a thick intensity that simply made me whip my heads towards my teammates in shock. I blinked in confusion, my brows knitting together when I stared at my teammates. They looked like sensei said there was a bomb around instead of an exam.

Confused, I turned back to Kakashi and asked, "What are the Chuunin exams?"

All eyes were instantly on me, wide and petrified as if I had gone completely mad.

My confusion only grew. "What?"

"You don't know what the chuunin exams are?" Sasuke asked. I shook my head in reply.

"Right." sensei hummed, a vacant expression on his face, "The chuunin exam is an exam where you Genin are tested of your abilities of being a chuunin. Basically it's to see if you can be a ninja of a higher status."

"Oh." I blinked, feeling a smile curve on my lips, "Cool."

Naruto snickered all of a sudden.

"Right, Gakuren?! Cool!" then excited, he clenched his fist and fist pumped at the air. "The chuunin exams! Finally I've been training for this day all my life!"

Sakura on the other hand suddenly seemed a bit nervous. "The exams, huh?"

"Well? What about it?" I asked, "Do we have to do something?"

Sensei shrugged his shoulders. "Nope, I was just ordered to tell you guys so you're all ready. Ninjas from every village will be arriving starting today so don't be alarmed."

"Why here?" I asked.

"The Leaf Village is hosting the exams this year so...well, you get the picture." He said, his visible eye curving as if he was smiling.

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