Chapter 24: 3 Kids Try to Destroy my Room

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     “Wow, Gakuren! Your house is so…small!” Kai said with a smile. I hit the back of his head with the edge of my mouth twitching.

     “Why you…this is a normal house in the human world.” I growled, annoyed. He still has that incredibly honest side to him.

    They put down the bags on the wooden table and sat down the cushions.

    “Alright, stay put. I’ll make the house bigger.” I said and they all stared at me with wonder.

   “Whoaaa…we haven’t seen you do anything like this for years!” Arata said excitedly, practically jumping in his seat.

             I blinked at them and went out to the back garden. Once I got to a clear space, I raised my hand and snapped my fingers. Suddenly, my house became longer and bigger. Once that was done, I sighed and stayed outside for a bit, staring at my house.

   “WHOAA!!” they all gasped loudly and I rolled my eyes.

            Did I mention that my friends are childish and weird yet? Well, now’s the good time for you to know. They are very weird.

            I sighed and went in the house to see them already exploring my house. The only one who stayed calm was Ryuu and he was fixing the food in the now bigger kitchen.

    I went in the kitchen and helped him out. “Thanks for being normal.” I told him making him snort.

   We were fixing the food and suddenly, I heard loud thuds from my bedroom.

“What are they doing now?” I sighed and went to my room.

   Once I opened the door, my jaw dropped.

They were throwing pillows all over the place and some books, chairs and even my soap were moving on their own. Some books flew to Salem’s face and Arata started throwing pillows at Kai.

             My mouth twitched and I growled loudly. Once they heard me, they froze and all the moving things fell to the ground and the three of them slowly turned to me. I crossed my arms and tapped the wooden floor with my feet while glaring at them.

   “What…are…you...doing?” I hissed through my teeth. They all gulped and stood in one line then let go of the pillows at the same time.

   “What happened now?” Ryuu asked while leaning at the doorway.

   “These guys…no, children started messing up my room.” I said and pointed the floor with my finger motioning them to sit.

   Like before, it worked like a charm.

  “Who started it?” I asked glowering at them. Quickly, Arata and Salem both pointed at Kai. Kai flinched at both of them and glanced at me, his face going pale.

   “As I thought…” I mumbled and pressed my temples with my finger while sighing deeply.

   “Whatever. Kai, you better fix all this.” I said and both Salem and Arata smiled at me with glittering eyes.

   “You two help him or you will sleep outside.” I threatened and walked back to the kitchen to make some snacks then heard the three of them groan.

  “I told you not to do this.” I heard Ryuu say. Ignoring my friends’ bickering, I started washing apples and cut them into smaller halves to eat.

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