Chapter 10: A Battle With Master

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The training grounds were usually a place of quiet calm for me, another place for me to call a sanctuary where I can happily enjoy solo training. Seeing Master Iina standing right at the middle looking like a military captain with her arms firmly crossed certainly made me feel a little down.

Standing next to one of the practice dummies, she grinned at me the moment I stepped foot into the expanse of dirt. Though I did say I was feeling a little down, I found myself grinning back at her. Getting closer, the feeling of excitement grew like the humming of a bee, slowly feeling stronger and pushing against me like a torrent the closer I got to my master.

As usual, her aura in the battlefield is more intense than a ticking time bomb. Thinking about it, master must've been the reason I got so competitive when I fought with strong people and relished the moments when they sought me out.

The blood under my skin grew hotter, my hear thumped against my ribcage loud enough for my own ears to hear. I was loving every second of this and my Master could see it. Her gaze grew a little soft before she chuckled-a familiar low and vibrating sound.

Close enough to start a fight, I pulled my jacket off, handing it to Sakura because of course, it's not like Sasuke would actually hold it. Naruto might just throw it into the ground and stomp repeatedly on it. Either that or he'll lose it.

"If you kids are accompanying Gakuren here," Master started, "then that means you know he's not human."

Her thick, raised brow gained a hesitant nod from Sakura, a careful stare from Sasuke and an excited, vigorous nod from Naruto.

As if their reactions were so normal and she's seen this countless times, Master Iina nodded then pointed at the highest treetop. "If you're going to watch," she said, "watch from up there. We don't want anyone to get sucked up into the fight."

I tried not to give my master a look of bored disbelief. Even I knew that watching Griffins (especially ones like her) from a 5 mile radius was the safest distance to keep. Well, it's not like I'd end up accidentally killing my teammates. I'm not that stupid.

"Why so high?" Naruto asked, looking like an excited puppy.

Master raised a brow in return, a smirk on her lips. I tried not to shudder. "Do you have to ask?"

Simply shuddering, Naruto gave a nervous smile before he carefully slipped back a pace.

"Good luck, Gakuren." Sakura quietly said before they all disappeared into the trees.

The wind blew up, as if waking from its sleep and realizing that I was once again about to fight one of the strongest Griffins I have ever known. I felt the cool wind rush up my scalp, calming me and giving me a chance to suck in a breath before I turned back to my master with my lips twitching in excitement.

Nonchalantly, she said, "We'll see how strong you've gotten." A raise of a brow, "or how weak." I tried not to glare at her. "Once you've caught me, you win. If I catch you, naturally-you will have to run a thousand laps."

"Master," I started. She stared at me.

"Don't hold back."

Light disbelief and shock littered her onyx eyes. Despite being the Spartan teacher that she is, I know, every one of her students know that Master Iina still sees every single student as her son or daughter. A family member she doesn't want to hurt.

But that's exactly the reason why she shouldn't hold back.

If it means me getting stronger and being able to defeat Moon, I don't care if I get hurt. And, if she wants to see how strong I really am, she has to give it her all or this fight is pointless.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now