Chapter 20: The Desert Breaks Me

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    I smacked my lips and jumped off the railings, landing silently on the floor.

   “You’re more difficult that the others…” I mumbled quietly.

    “Oh well, time to end this.” I said loudly and ran straight to him.

He looked at me with surprise in his eyes and before sand could block my attack, I appeared behind him and punched his spine, making him fly through the air and fall on the floor, face first.

With a feral growl, I raised my fist and before Gaara could move, my fist fell and once I made contact with Gaara’s spine, the floor under him cracked at the force as the air rippled once more and the whole battlefield went dry.

Once the dust cleared, I stared down at my opponent, satisfied to know this wasn’t a fake.

    I jumped back, distancing myself from him and stared at his frozen body.

            All of a sudden, something seemed to pierce my side-The same place where it hurt earlier on but it was extremely painful. A feeling of knives stabbing you over and over again. but it wasn’t from outside. Every time I touched my side, trying to soothe the pain, I’d feel nothing but my hand and the pain would spread again.

Right then, a strong wave of stings.

   “GAH!” I winced and fell on my knees with my hands gently pressing on my side.

   “Drat.” I hissed through my teeth. Ever since that memory flashback, my side kept hurting. Unexpectedly, I suddenly felt weak like when I cut off my griffin powers.

   “What?” My voice mumbled with surprise.

    I didn’t think of my powers to disappear but they’re cut off. I thought of bringing my powers back but instead my head throbbed.

   “AUGH!” I cried. I suddenly felt sand crawl up my right leg. My side was already hurting so much, even though there was nothing there, it hurt to move even just a little bit.

Shit. He got me.” I thought. Turning to Gaara, I saw him raise his palm to me and I felt the familiar stopping of my heart. This is gonna hurt.

              I tried to crawl away from the sand but it caught my right ankle. I strained to get up and once I got halfway up, I heard Gaara say;

   “Sand coffin!”

   At the same time, the sand that had my right ankle exploded and I felt my bones get crushed. At the numbing pain, I screamed, feeling my bones turn into kindle.

   “GAKUREN!” Naruto’s voice yelled.

   I grit my teeth and crawled as far away as I can. The pain in my side started to disappear but my head still throbbed. I tried to think of my powers coming back but still the same throbbing in my head.

   I gasped and got up my feet.

   I’m stubborn, so there’s no way I’m letting myself lose here. I got up and turned to see Gaara slowly get up.

   That’s right get up! We’re not finished yet.

   I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves, ignoring the pain in my ankle and side.

  And all of a sudden, I felt normal again. My powers are back! I smiled in relief.

  But, I won’t use my powers any more. I want to beat him the old fashion way.

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