Chapter 26: My Garden Is Wrecked

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              We were heading home and I suddenly heard Konohamaru calling my name from afar. It was faint but, it sounded like he was in trouble. My eyes widened and without a word, I ran to the sound of Konohamaru’s voice.

    “GAKUREN!” Salem yelled and I felt them chase after me from behind but I ignored them. Konohamaru’s in trouble.

            I heard his voice come from the top of the hokage’s building. I raced and saw the hokage faces carved on the stone wall. I heard Konohamaru scream again and jumped up the building.

     “KONOHAMARU!!” I shouted and once I jumped over the railing and landed on the floor, I froze to see Konohamaru standing before his entire class with a pose like superman and Iruka sensei standing next to him staring at me with absolute surprise.

             “See?! I told you he has strong hearing!” Konohamaru yelled happily. My mouth twitched and I sighed then put my face in my hands.

   “Gakuren!” Kai yelled form behind along with Salem, Arata and Ryuu.

   I groaned and made unintelligent sounds.

   “So, you weren’t in trouble?” I growled through my teeth.

   “Nope.” He said with a grin. My mouth twitched and I sighed.

  “Woah! It’s Gakuren! Cool!” the kids started yelling making me blush.

            “Well, Gakuren, while you’re here, I have a question to ask.” Iruka sensei said. I blinked at him and waited for his question.

   “Who are the people important in your life?” he asked and I blinked. No one’s ever asked me that before.

    “Umm, well…” I trailed off rubbing the back of my head. I felt embarrassed since I was saying how I felt…

   My friends chuckled at me but I ignored them.

            “Well, Konohamaru…my best friends…my teammates, gramps and…the people in this village even though I’ve only been here for not so long.” I said, embarrassed.

   “Awww…” Kai said suddenly hugged (choked) me.

   “Hey, let go.” I said still embarrassed. I looked up at Iruka and laughed nervously.

   “You truly are the grandson of the third. Caring for people all around you.” he said with a proud smile.

   “So, Iruka sensei, who’ll be the third?! Gakuren?!” one girl yelled making my face feel hot.

   “Well, could be. But it could also be your sensei! Haha!” Iruka sensei laughed.

   “Looks like a nice class Iruka.”

   I turned and saw gramps appear. “Oh, Gakuren, what are you and your friends doing here?” he asked me.

  “Konohamaru called me.” I said.

  “Lord hokage!” Iruka sensei said with surprise.

  “Oh! It’s the third!!” some kids yelled.

    “Ah, what are you doing here Geezer?!” Konohamaru yelled and I raised my brows at him and he became silent.

   “I just wanted to see the faces too.” Gramps smiled.

   “Perfect timing actually. Lord Hokage, please, could you come over here?” Iruka sensei asked while motioning gramps to stand beside him and gramps did so.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now