Chapter 32: Silver Pocket Watches...

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Hello! LamiaCor/ Phantom66 here! Just to say, this is the last chapter of this novel :(( But, I already made a second sequel called Gakuren Akiyama: Rise Of the Fox Spirit. :D Check it out if you'd like and leave some comments! :)))


   The next morning, I got changed into black pants, usual combat boots and a white long sleeved button down shirt paired with a black jacket.

    “Hey, Gakuren, you ready?” I heard Moon ask.

   “Yeah.” I replied and snapped my fingers. All the important things in the house disappeared and I decided to leave the house to Naruto and the others as a parting gift.

   We left the house with all of us having small backpacks.

   As we walked through the village, we met my teammates.

  “Hey, where you guys going?” Naruto asked.


   I was about to say we were going to leave when I felt a griffin’s presence. It was coming from the gates.

   “Guys…someone’s here.” I told my friends and for a second they were silent then we ran to the gates.

     Once we got there, I heard Moon gasp as he suddenly walked in front of me.

   “Hikari?” he said loudly and from the gates, I saw a girl with long dark purple hair, amber eyes and flawless white skin. She wore a flowing pink dress and she had her long blue-black hair tied with a red bow.

   She turned to us and her eyes widened. My mouth fell as well.

  “Hikari chan?” I asked with an open mouth.

  How in the world did she get here?! And why is she here?!

  She suddenly smiled widely at Moon came running to us. They both hugged each other in a very dramatic way like they haven’t seen each other in years. (Which was the case.)

   What was their relationship you ask?

   Hikari Kawaguchi was my brother’s fiancée.

   Yes. He was engaged to someone. This marriage was arranged a very long time ago even before I was born. Ridiculous really. I was glad father never let me agree to an arranged marriage.

   “Moon! I knew it! You were here!” she squealed happily. “My visions were right!”

   “I missed you!” Moon said while digging his face in her shoulder.

   All we could do here was stand like total idiots while my brother and his girlfriend made kissy faces. Yuck.

   “Hey, what the heck are you doing here Hikari?” Kai asked. Oh, I forgot, she’s Kai’s older sister. So, that basically makes the two of us brothers.

   They both turned to us and laughed with embarrassment. Moon let her down and she walked to us and gave each of us hugs.

   “It’s good to see you boys again.” She said with a smile.

   I like Hikari chan. She was nice, fun, she knows how to fight on her own, she’s smart and one of the prettiest girls in Extail.

   “Wait, so, you knew Moon wasn’t the one who killed my clan?” I asked her and she nodded.   You see, she had the power to see into the future but only short lengths of it like what will happen in the next few minutes.

“Yes. Although I didn’t know who the real killer was. That person’s power to conceal their presence is really strong.” Hikari explained as Moon stood next to her, wrapping her waist with his arm.

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