Chapter 2: Meeting The Blonde Idiot

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Grandpa Sarutobi's office was empty. Though I wasn't his blood relative, the guards allowed me to come in and make myself comfortable. Now I'm just wondering why on earth they didn't bother to tell me he wasn't here.

"Great." I snorted, crossing my arms as I looked around the small but open room, thinking about where he could be. On his desk, a small scroll lay untouched.

"Oh, is that you Gakuren?" I heard a man's voice ask. I quickly turned and was greeted by a familiar grin right below the horizontal scar over the bridge of his nose. Even though I've known him half my life, I still don't know what caused that scar.

With a chuckle, I greeted my old not-really-teacher with a wide smile.

Approaching each other, I held my palm out to shake his hand but before I could even realize, he had pulled me into a tight embrace, heavily patting my back. I blinked again and again, shocked by the affection he was giving.

"You're not normally so sweet." I said over his shoulder. He chuckled under my chin then pulled away, looking me up and down before proudly grinning at me, his teeth pearly white around his tan skin.

"C'mon Gakuren," he started, placing a hand on his hip. "It's been, what? Ten years since we've last seen each other! I can't just say hi and do nothing." Chuckling, he playfully punched my shoulder, making me grin back.

"We missed you."

Though he was smiling his usual wide, child-like smile, I had to control the twisting in my chest.

"It's been a long time, sensei." I smiled, quickly pulling his neck under my arm in a quick flash that made even the great Iruka sensei flinch.

He suddenly laughed. "Still calling me your sensei, eh?" he asked as I let go of him, "I wasn't even your official teacher!"

Partly my teacher just for fun, Iruka sensei would help me train with shuriken and kunai knives back when I was still a knuckle headed six year old. Crossing my arms, I sighed, feigning a sad look.

"I can still remember it clearly." I started, "I can't believe you would reject a kid that strongly at first."

"That kid," he retorted loudly with a raised brow, "a Griffin, I might add, was already told many many times that training without their parents was a dangerous thing. Especially if a human was the one trying to teach him."

I made a face. "You agreed to be my teacher in the end though." He chuckled again and made his way to the desk, grabbing the scroll on top before turning back towards the door.

"You head butted me and started a fight." he added with a glare. I flinched beside him, instantly remembering the man lying on the dirt in a fetal position, shaking wildly as tears lined his eyes and his hands clutched between his legs. I cringed.

"It's not my fault I was too short." Iruka sensei rolled his eyes at me and pushed through the door with me following. As we walked down the hallway, I realized he still kept his brown hair in the same tight and secure ponytail even when it didn't tame the wild spikiness of his hair.

"Ah well, it was a long time ago." He sighed then turned his head to me, narrowing his eyes. "Don't do it again."

"Like hell I would." I retorted with a snort. He laughed loudly at that.


Walking down the street, I realized we were heading right to the city hall.

"The hokage is there." Iruka sensei said, "Though I'm not sure if you'll be able to talk to him. He's busy talking to some genin at the moment."

I glanced at the scroll in his hand. "Is that for the genin, then?" he gave me a simple nod in return.

Gakuren Akiyama: Griffin Of the Leaf village (Naruto Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now