Chapter 5: Stunt Doubles

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The first rule of hide and seek was to lure your seeker away.

In my case, I always enjoyed playing around and taking the one who was 'it' to very confusing places, making them think that they'd caught me when in fact, they were so far from it. For my dear teammates, I ran far away from my house to lead them away. Though thoughts of Sakura knowing where I lived flashed in my mind, I wasn't too worried.

She might be one of the smartest girls I've ever met, but my home defense was good at derailing smart people. Of course, I may be in the safety of the village but I'm a cautious person.

It wasn't easy, but somehow I was able to make a barrier around my house that seemed to ruin people's perception. I tested it out on Konohamaru at first, loving his reaction when he started to think that my house wasn't actually in the middle of the forest.

I wasn't hiding anything there. It was just that cooking food for them was simply too much work. Other than that, my supply of ramen was dangerously low.

If Naruto ever got to my house, that supply will cease to exist.

At the moment, I was weaving through mazes of streets, narrowly avoiding people who failed to notice me before I disappeared.

Though I seemed to be going fast, I could feel my teammates right behind me. With a gentle flick of my hand, I simply summoned a strong gust of wind to slow them down or at least to try and blind them with the dust.

While all this was happening, I found myself grinning. I haven't been in something like this for a long time and it was getting really fun.

I turned to the next alley and instantly, the crazy idea of making a shadow clone popped into my brain. 

A basic shadow clone, it was basically another me that was as harmless as a squirrel. Well, that is if tricking people with a clone that had a funny face drawn on it with 'Losers' scrawled over its forehead was thought to be mean then, it's not so harmless after all.

With a snap of my finger, another me wearing the same black pants and sleeveless white shirt appeared in a puff. It also wore the same muffler around its neck, black gloves and combat boots. Only, since them catching it would be funnier, I drew a funny face on it and wrote "IDIOTS" on its forehead.

With a command, the dummy nodded at me, running out of the alley just like how I would. To see if it would work, I hid behind a dark wall and saw the scene unfold at the other alley.

To my satisfaction and surprise, Naruto tackled it from high up in the air with Sakura and Sasuke following right behind. Seeing the latter, I quirked a brow.

So he did side with them. And here I thought he was too cool to be a fool.

"HAHA!" Naruto laughed in triumph, "We got you, Gakuren Akyima! You lose! You'll be making us some food!"

Once he turned its face, he froze and I saw Sasuke's mouth twitch in annoyance.

"A doll?" Sasuke hissed, a frightening vein popping in his forehead.   

"No way!" Sakura cried. "He tricked us!"

Naruto's body started to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly, he kicked the doll high into the air and clenched his fist as his face turned red in mute anger.

"THAT LITTLE CREEP OF AN ALIEN!"  he shouted, his eyes practically popping out of their sockets. "HOW DARE HE CALL US IDIOTS!"

"Yeah." Sasuke growled through his teeth. "Especially since you're the only idiot here."

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