Chapter 8: Hello, Bushy Brows!

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Getting to the academy entrance, my eyes caught sight of the familiar silver tornado-blown hair. Leaning on a wall, Kakashi patiently waited for us, keeping his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Approaching him, we were each handed red cards. Looking down at them, they held our photos and names. I knit my brows at this, staring at the square photograph of me looking right at a camera. My confusion grew stronger. I tilted my head to the side a bit.

Where on earth did Kakashi get my picture?

"What are these?" I asked, looking up at my teacher. For some reason, he stared back at me like the answer was so obvious.

"Those are you passes." He said monotonously then nodded once towards the academy doors. "Go in. At the third floor in room 301, you'll be able to sign up for the exams. But, this exam has to be taken by the whole group."

Right then, his eye flashed to me for a moment, as if assessing my reaction to this fact. I simply blinked at him in return, waiting for what else he had to say.

"If one of you doesn't want to participate...spit it out now."

We all kept quiet, staring expectantly at our teacher.

Personally, I never really thought of not taking this exam. Staying a Genin for the rest of my life here would be quite annoying. You can only do so much in life as a level one person.

Other than that, my teammates want to take the exam too. It was pretty obvious from the looks, well, glares actually, that Sasuke and Naruto gave me when Kakashi first talked about the exams that they weren't planning on missing this. And it was either I voluntarily tag along, or they'd simply drag me with them.

With our silent responses, sensei's eye curved upwards into a smile.

"Okay then." He said and sidestepped from the doors.

"Good luck."

At the second floor, something big was going on. Just ahead of us, all I could hear were mutters, loud chatters and the sound of someone getting punched.

"What's going on?" Sakura muttered, her mint eyes wide with curiosity and slight worry.

My brow quirked. 'These exams work quick.'

We haven't even signed up yet and there's already some action?

Making our way through the crowd and getting much closer, the first thing I caught sight of was two taller guys-Both of them seemingly older Genin and both of them smirking as they stood before the doors to the sign up room, barring everyone else from it.

"You plan to take the exam with that?!" one of the older guys chortled, "Just give it up already and save yourself the embarrassment!"

I felt my eyelids lower themselves in boredom. This again. I went through this situation literally just a few minutes ago.

Right before them, a black haired boy wearing a green bodysuit sat on the floor, both of his cheeks bruised and blood trickling down the edge of his lips. Right behind him, everyone else in the hall looked intent on getting into the room or standing up to the bullies, but no one dared to make a move and just allowed the whole situation to flow.

At first, it was getting much too annoying to watch all this go on. To once again see arrogant people who think they're 'saving' us from the exams by warning us off and punching us away. Sighing, I glanced up at the room number, thinking about how we'd be able to get past these guys.

But for a moment, something seemed weird. I glanced out the window and saw other kids loitering around outside, probably waiting for their teammates or simply just waiting around. If this was the third floor, the ground wouldn't seem as close as it was right now.

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