Chapter 23: Flower 5 Reunite!

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BTW, the pic on the right!!  Gakuren and his friends. :3 Not my pics, credits to the owners!


     It has been a week since the preliminary rounds and all I do every day is train and train and train. Today was a Monday and I just woke up.

My injury from the preliminaries have healed and I could walk properly again. I took a long bath and changed into black sweats and a black sleeveless shirt. I looked up at the clock and saw it was already lunch time.

   While I sipped my tea, someone suddenly came banging at my door.

   “What the…” I mumbled.

    I put on red combat boots and opened the door to see a breathless Konohamaru.

   “Ga-Gaku…” he said breathlessly, supporting himself on his knees.

   “What is it now? Don’t tell me you stole Naruto's coupons again?!” I shouted angrily.

   “No, there are some people at gramps’ office…he’s telling you to go there.” He said. I blinked at him and sighed.

I went back in my house and changed into white pants, a black elbow-length sleeved shirt paired with a long white sleeveless coat. I left it unbuttoned then locked my gates.

    “Okay, so…who are-woah!” Before I could even finish, Konohamaru started running like a madman while holding my hand. So, I was dragged through the village.

   We got to gramps’ office and I knocked on the door.

    “Come in.” gramps said. I opened the door and got the shock of my life.

             Sitting on the long couch were four ivory white skinned boys. Once they all turned to me, I gasped to see my four best friends from Extail.

        “You’re finally here Gakuren. I suppose you still remember your best friends?” Salem asked.

            Salem Fukui, who had messy red hair and light red eyes, wore normal clothes with the usual cream colored scarf and cap. Salem was the son of another earl in extail and he was the second strongest and the noisiest in our group. He could control the elements fire and air and as his special ability, he could summon shadows.

              My mouth fell, my head not being able to tell if I was dreaming or if I was really awake.

  “Look at him, he’s speechless.” Arata laughed.

    Arata Himura, the youngest and smartest-no, the cleverest in our group, he was a normal griffin who was a great strategist in battle and pranks. His blonde hair has grown until his shoulder and he’s looking much more mature than before thanks to his hair and light brown eyes. He could control both water and ice but, unlike the four of us, he doesn’t have a special ability.

     “Gakuren!” Kai yelled and tackle-hugged me then hit my back with his hand.

            Kai Gitsune has been with me since I can remember and I’m the closest with him. He had messy black hair and dark brown eyes. He was the animal lover in our group and the third strongest. He was the son of my father’s best friend that’s why we always played together when I was very young. He could control all the elements like me and he could take things come to life. Like rocks, pillows, even houses.

             And last but not least, Ryuu Shizuka-the quietest in the group and the second youngest, he could control the elements air and ice and he could hear the minds of other people. He had silver hair and he still had his black choker around his neck. He was a normal griffin too but, don’t underestimate his patience. He’s really scary when he gets angry.

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